
idk, man, if i were an editor at, say, the daily mail or any of the other quasi-reputable outlets that ran this horseshit, i might do a double take and have some questions about the prison of the future floating in fucking space
it’s an interesting example of how the sludge sausage gets made, though, every article is linking back to a different article which does not link to a company webpage or a PR statement or an interview, it’s just a ouroborous of regurgitated horseshit
this is the frustrating problem, unless you have the time to actually play detective, you assume that what you’re reading in legit-looking outlets might have at least *some* basis in fact, and when you google it, you get a page of legit-looking results, but it’s just completely fictional horseshit
Plus, given the amount of VC funded horseshit AI companies, it's completely believable that some grifter has received millions for something like this
this guy is a “science communicator” whose presence is entirely limited to social media accounts, whose entire wikipedia page looks suspect and whose education doesn’t even line up with any aspect of this kind of a product
“Science communicator” is a weird term to begin with. It’s a real academic discipline! They have their own journals, you can major in it, etc. But people seem much more comfortable proclaiming themselves as “science communicators” with shaky credentials, in contrast to “scientists”.
Would the deadspin writers call themselves “sports communicators”? Is Kenji Lopez-Alt a “food communicator”? Idk, the vibes are off.
The term was adopted when a lot of postdocs started science writing in the late 2000s.
To be accurate, it was because it was more than just science writing.
I don't think it is MORE than science writing— but less. "Science communicators" sound like they're just transmitting what scientists tell them, reducing complex ideas to simple terms for laymen. But which scientists do you listen to, and why? What's the added value? We're not just mouthpieces.
Why do you think that happened, though? Just the general, 2000s feeling that everyone should have a blog? Or something more specifically in science?
Probably the fact that we realized only one in 20 postdocs was ever going to get a tenure track job and the fact that there was a LOT of shitty science journalism that we all realized we could do better. A whole lot of PhDs needed to find something else to do, and that was one of the things.
sounds like an 'influencer'
I think that's what he is. Basically, a content creator. Clearly, one with a talent for self-promotion, but it seems like what he sees himself as doing is making short films and other media. He's not building an AI company or a biotech one or whatever.
It makes it interesting to try to figure out how these articles got written; what he pitched and what they wrote.
This is just gross. The "writer" doesn't explain it, doesn't understand it, can't justify it, can't present critiques of it, scientific and ethical. What a crock.
The daily mail is a tabloid. Not the worst tabloid out there but pretty bad.
yes, but this is just wholesale science fiction horseshit, it’s batboy but with “AI”
True but its not that uncommon for Daily Mail to publish complete horseshit . Not as bad day as the Daily Express where like 75% of all they publish is complete BS but still the type of publication you can't trust anything from. Same with stuff like BILD and in the US the NY Post .
I've seen this Star Trek episode. It doesn't end well.
but do you know how *secure* a Khan Noonien Singh-class space prison is, GLHM? really, really, secure
[Dawn of Man music] “The convict AI super soldiers of tomorrow will begin here…”
Dahir Insaat finally hitting the big time.
I guess someone took some ideas from DEMOLITION MAN and TEKWAR...🙄
🤣 True story--I met Eugene Clark (Gomez) at a Walker Stalker con back in 2016 in Atlanta. A really cool guy and we spent a good while talking about TEKWAR and his role in Romero's LAND OF THE DEAD.
These people only saw two movies: Starship Troopers and Demolition Man
Sounds like he's been watching Demolition up: a vid promoting the three seashells!