
i have to admit that the every four year tradition of white progressives explaining to black progressives that no one actually likes the politicians black progressives have voted for is wearing thinner and thinner with me every time
i don’t even like commenting on it because i am obviously a white guy, but, like, christ, people like me need to think just a little more deeply about that it is that they’re telling people about themselves and what they think about people who aren’t them
I mean we do need to call this shit out when we see it tbh, so honestly, good instinct
I just try to let black women take the lead on who to vote for and let my pasty XY chromosome ass follow. God knows every election is far more of an existential thing for them than it is for me.
I gotta be pretty honest on this one. I worked at a business in 2008 where nearly every single one of my coworkers was a black lady. And the way they talked about our gay fellow citizens while prop 8 was on the ballot left me feeling literally queasy.
I get what you’re saying, but is there any evidence that black women were any worse than the average American at the time or now? I feel like 2008 was an eternity ago in terms of acceptance of gay rights.
In my majority Black neighborhood, I do not see many signs saying, “It’s Adam and Eve, not…” But I see a lot of that crap when I have the misfortune of driving through rural PA, MD, VA AND NC. Usually right next to a MAGA flag.
Yeah, 16 years is an eternity ago. The demographic breakdown at the time was not so hot though
Left column of the Sunday New York Times front page: reading between the lines you know this is what the Silicon Valley millionaires aren't saying but many are thinking. They're ALWAYS telling people about themselves and what they think about people who aren't them.
Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden? Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden. Others hoped the president would bow out of the race on his own. Many came to terms with the low chances that he will do so.