
i have to admit that the every four year tradition of white progressives explaining to black progressives that no one actually likes the politicians black progressives have voted for is wearing thinner and thinner with me every time
just saw a white guy try to explain to a black woman that no one likes harris and, like, this is embarrassing, stop it
Flashbacks to the other red. Scare lady claiming she saw a white dude say “Biden’s Not gonna help you man” To a crying black man
The KHive is all-seeing, all-consuming, relentless — and also doesn't exist, apparently.
Main constituency in the all-reaching feckless DNC
Gosh y’all are boring. Poor dudes bent out of shape by a bunch of women online who don’t take your shit.
Not you - just the guys who are still bringing up the “KHive” as some mythical dominant force in the universe.
as a woman online who’s tired of a lot of things, i was also confused anyway, that was an efficient prompt to block
I mean someone going from a DA to VP in a fairly short amount of time—and having made the state-to-federal office leap in a GOP wave year—is strong countervailing *evidence*, but who am I tell white guy armchair politicos that they are wrong.
I am but a humble inn-keeper, but winning 3 CA statewide campaigns (the last one a jungle primary landslide) and as the VP on a presidential ticket sure looks like as impressive a political record as you're gonna find.
Some people confuse “I” and “All”
i don’t even like commenting on it because i am obviously a white guy, but, like, christ, people like me need to think just a little more deeply about that it is that they’re telling people about themselves and what they think about people who aren’t them
I mean we do need to call this shit out when we see it tbh, so honestly, good instinct
I just try to let black women take the lead on who to vote for and let my pasty XY chromosome ass follow. God knows every election is far more of an existential thing for them than it is for me.
I gotta be pretty honest on this one. I worked at a business in 2008 where nearly every single one of my coworkers was a black lady. And the way they talked about our gay fellow citizens while prop 8 was on the ballot left me feeling literally queasy.
I get what you’re saying, but is there any evidence that black women were any worse than the average American at the time or now? I feel like 2008 was an eternity ago in terms of acceptance of gay rights.
In my majority Black neighborhood, I do not see many signs saying, “It’s Adam and Eve, not…” But I see a lot of that crap when I have the misfortune of driving through rural PA, MD, VA AND NC. Usually right next to a MAGA flag.
Yeah, 16 years is an eternity ago. The demographic breakdown at the time was not so hot though
Left column of the Sunday New York Times front page: reading between the lines you know this is what the Silicon Valley millionaires aren't saying but many are thinking. They're ALWAYS telling people about themselves and what they think about people who aren't them.
Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden? Some floated interventions and wondered about how to reach Jill Biden. Others hoped the president would bow out of the race on his own. Many came to terms with the low chances that he will do so.
Two many of us don’t understand that we’re in coalition and bolting out of the coalition at the first sight of trouble always looks us shitty.
It also reveals how hollow the claims of true solidarity are. The expect people to believe they'll be beside them whenever the great revolution finally happens but they can't even stay in the same coalition?
It’s deeply frustrating that mostly white lefties who claim they’re not Dems and weren’t certain to vote this year are whining about the DNC squashing Bernie Sanders yet again.
"Not me, Us" but haha not You was always the deal with them.
To be fair to the man himself, Bernie has been very loyal to Biden, and Biden consults with him frequently. It’s the folks he tends to surround himself with that tend to be the problem
He hired some shit comms people for sure
Oh man...remember the whole "Bernie marched with MLK so that's why Black folks should worship him" bulls#@t?
There is a long, rich history of leftist movements saying "if you come help us with our pet economic/power project, we super seriously double promise to help you with your identity politics thing afterwards" and that second part never happens. We owe them help, they don't owe us. That's the deal.
I especially enjoy the occasional subtext of "black voters are more loyal & reliable because they're too dumb to know better"
It wasn't even subtext in 2020, it was just people screaming that "black people got in line because Clyburn told them to vote Biden."
In notable progressive stronghold South Carolina no less.
It all comes across to me as Kamala Harris starring in Just not THAT Woman 2: Misogynoir Boogaloo.
💯. Every. Single. Time. I just block them now, both in person and online. I don't need that in my life.
A lot of white progressives think there's a control panel for black voters hidden in the DNC HQ somewhere & if they could just crash through the doors they'd definitely find the button that makes black people like them.
"we'll be greeted as liberators as soon as we can find the 'hate Bernie' off switch," Matt Christman slurs, railing a huge line of cocaine off of a stack of fundraising reports
💀💀💀 just cracking up over this.
Republicans being openly racist has gifted the Democratic Party all of the conservative Black voters and we can't seem to accept that the price for that is needing to accept a little bit of moderation in our national candidates.
and or just shutting the fuck up
lot of people neglect that black people in sc may well have saved the country four years ago imo
Like, even if she’s not the “favorite” by whatever definition being used, what do they think happens to the coalition when the first black woman VP gets thrown over for some other random white guy?
This is what I'm saying. If Biden stepped down/aside, there's no point in considering any alternative other than Harris. And I say that as someone who is not her hugest fan!
Yup; she’s both the constitutional and the party backup. There’s no way you toss her overboard and don’t crack up the entire order (campaign, party, hell any sort of legitimacy)
Not to mention you can’t say “we’re fighting to preserve democracy, also we’re getting rid of both people 80 million of you voted for.”
If he'd announced he wasn't running again back in 2022 and we had time for a true competitive primary, I'd say go for it. But it's too late and we just don't have time.
They'll show up to vote, like you expect Arabs to even with Gaza, or young people after getting nothing but compromises and condescension, or many other groups who've been told to shut up and do what they're told over the years.
GLHM, I have been avoiding all social media for a couple of days- how on god’s green earth is this still the discourse?
Oh, that is where I'm at. A collective 'yikes' on Thursday was completely understandable. But how have people still not realized what chaos actually doing what they're demanding would create?
This collective freakout will continue until morale improves.