
the bitterly funny part about the heiress calling her friends at elite publications to demand she be given a privileged say in who a political party selects as a nominee is that it’s the exact kind of thing that heiress would rightly recognize as morally abominable if she saw one of her peers do it
abigail disney’s staggering hypocrisy here is one of the many ways in which you get reminded that even when astronomically wealthy people pay lip service to equality and progressive politics, they understand that the rules they themselves agree with in theory will not be applicable to them
I shouldn’t have this much money. Also:
Freaking DISNEYS always think they know better. Whole family of weirdos, mutants, reprobates, *(puts finger to ear)* who consist of our social betters in every way, shape, and form
I appreciate her call for fair wages for Disney employees and the like but she’s in the wrong here
“Citizens United is wrong, unless I’m the Citizen.”
And the heiress will be the first to tell you she is an egalitarian Democrat fighting for the rights of the little people etc ad infinitum. And the New York Times correspondent who handles the wealthy individuals and was recently hired away from Puck.News will be sure to let you know about it.
Abigail Disney is literally a Disney princess and thus beloved across America.
The best ways to defeat Trump are to spread lies about Biden and to not donate.
"It's ok if it's me doing it" is killing us in so many different ways.