
i get even more annoyed about it because dean phillips was right there. dean phillips was the centrist corporate loser that all these centrist corporate losers wanted, he ran an actual campaign, he got absolutely annihilated. that’s not evidence of malfeasance, that’s evidence of no interest
I'm really annoyed with the "There wasn't a real primary this year" argument because if people think Biden's as bad as everyone seems to think he is, someone would have primaried him. Every politician is a careerist asshole, and the people who would have run actually interact with him.
even dean phillips got the “but not that [person]” treatment, though for different reasons, obviously
I remember when Ryan Grim desperately tried to hype up Williamson as some kind of heir to Bernie Sanders movement.
He got crushed by uncommitted votes in his home primary!
after the UK elections yesterday I wish they’d done the thing where all the candidates are on stage together hearing results so we could see Dean Phillips somewhere behind Joe Biden, Marianne Williamson, and a physical manifestation of not voting
He sucked so hard he was literally making fun of his own campaign by the end. I have never seen that from a campaign that was not transparently a joke from the beginning.
He was literally “just some young white dude” and he got housed
Not only did Dean Phillips get annihilated in the Dem primaries, he paid big buck$ to Steve Schmidt, the man most responsible for putting Sarah Palin on the national stage, to manage his disastrous campaign. Scratch a Never-Trumper, find a Republican.
Not only that, none of the Nate Silvers in the world bothered to even endorse him, they didn't want that loser energy, so they just groused about needing some hypothetical other generic Dem, which ironically had bigger loser energy than just endorsing Phillips.
In fairness that would require remembering Dean Phillips had a campaign. Something I'm not convinced Dean Philips could do consistently.
Constructing a worldview where Dean Phillips' and Dennis Kucinich's primary challenges went nowhere because of elaborate DNC conspiracies, and Trump faced no primary challenges because he was simply a far more organically popular and effective politician, who I do NOT support,
"Joe Biden winning when he should have lost is cheating" say people with extremely durable & objective theories of politics
The problem’s cognitive decline’s usually not something that happens in a linear manner. It’s kind of a process vs results question.