David Gorski, MD, PhD

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David Gorski, MD, PhD


Surgeon/scientist promoting science-based medicine. Editor, Science-Based Medicine blog. (He/him)
"Free market," "freedumb" pushing groups amuse me with their hypocrisy. Before the pandemic, people in groups like @brownstoneinst were pushing "right to try" and all sorts of measures to weaken @US_FDA, but for #CovidVaccines they complain the FDA "cut corners."
Seriously, if we had the FDA that these people wanted, then the FDA would be massively cutting corners in the approval of ALL drugs and devices, if we had an FDA at all anymore. After all, some "free market" conservatives tell us that we don't need an FDA.
Oh, goody. Antivaxxers are now fear mongering about EVs in addition to vaccines.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Just because you succeeded once is no guarantee that you will succeed this time. (Apropos of nothing in particular...)
You can easily win this game by modeling your strategy on the Ilitch family strategy for developing downtown Detroit. After all, they’ve already won this game in real life.
Always wanted a game set in Auckland
Kinda reminds me of the old days, when RFK would liken vaccines to the Holocaust a decade ago.
JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. RFK: Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. RFK Jr.:
I was less naive than this but still petty frikkin’ naive.
5/5 It turned out that Trump was right and I was a naive fool. Trump carried around Supreme Court justices in his pocket like so many nickels & dimes.
Pretty frikkin’ naive. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
Wait, is John Ioannidis still going? I thought he existed only in memory, as a cautionary tale on contrarionism!
John Ioannis and a band of Great Barrington Declaration advocates attack a 2002 Delphi consensus statement on COVID-19 as "stacked." Besides their dubious arguments, one can't help but note the lack of ideological diversity in their author list. sciencebasedmedicine.org/panel-stacki...
“‘Panel stacking”: John Ioannidis versus a Delphi consensus statement on COVID-19sciencebasedmedicine.org My former science idol John Ioannidis has published a paper citing a Delphi consensus statement on COVID-19 as evidence that the scientific community is "biased" against his anti-"lockdown" pro-virus ...
Yes, 2002 was a typo. It was 2022.🤦🏻‍♂️
Antimaskers are such fine people.😬🤦🏻‍♂️🤬
"After Shari Stuart tried to explain that she has Stage 4 breast cancer and a weakened immune system, Stuart said the man called her a “f---ing liberal” and insisted masks were now illegal. He later coughed on her and said he hoped the cancer would kill her." www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/...
Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some stateswww.washingtonpost.com Lawmakers in North Carolina and New York say mask bans in response to pro-Palestinian protests would not target medical mask wearing, but critics are skeptical.
I did not know that, but it tracks.
What could be the explanation for this? What could it *possibly* be?
Reminiscing on one of my favourite posts of all time (11 years ago), best read in the "my name is gladiator" speech voice
So I saw my first CyberTruck in the wild today in the hospital parking structure. It’s pretty ugly and smaller than I thought it would be.
You know it won’t be, though.
Reflexology used in the AI example in your Sequoia preview? This is not the way, Apple. www.apple.com/macos/macos-...
That review article is a matter class in calling lab leak a conspiracy theory without ever actually using the term “conspiracy theory.”
Yup. The appearance of expertise can be very persuasive.
Triple whammy of poor science communication here. Chan has clout as a PhD (though her expertise is not in virology/pandemics), amplified by space in the NYT, and influential NYT columnist Kristof then amplifies her. This is why the public thinks the "lab leak" evidence is stronger than it is.
Gonna disagree with you here on this one. There was a time when lab leak was a legitimate scientific hypothesis and not a conspiracy theory, but that time passed as long as three years ago.
Her whole piece is basically unjustified self-congratulatory wankery and revisionist history. I was cringing hard as I read it. Basically, it’s an exercise in hindsight bias. As we like to say in medicine, the retrospectoscope is 100% accurate.
Open the NYTimes this AM. Kingsbury & her team have made the Alina Chan & Zeynep Tufecki pieces into front page news. Both stories are deeply flawed. I tried to go thru both quickly over the past few days and @kgandersen.bsky.social and @gorskon.bsky.social took the Chan piece apart in detail. 1/