
“I want my dog to be all-natural” as I hold my bespoke designer dog who can barely breathe because of generations of inbreeding that would even make a Hapsburg uncomfortable
30 years ago he was charged for incorrectly diagnosing rabies in a cat, which subsequently bit its owners:
Pet healer charged after cat bites
Jesus. Did they find out in time to get shots or was it too late?
Article says they were treated so I assume so.
Getting strong “my ‘A person with high ethics, morals and integrity doesn't need a license’ shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the shirt” vibes from this article
I wonder if their circle completely overlaps with the trump supporters on a Venn diagram
Afaik, antivaxxers run across the political spectrum. Hippies to preppers if you want to be garish.
For rabies, too? You see, most antivaxxers here in Europe are just against the “new vaccines” but are fine with the old ones, including the BCG which is expected to literally cause an ulcer with pus in a newborn’s shoulder that heals for weeks. As in, it’s normal for this vaccine.
So I imagine that anti-rabies antivaxxers must be a different breed altogether 😬
There has been a huge increase in “natural” dog sales. I’m sure there is a correlation between the anti-rabies and purchasers (and that dog food ain’t cheap!)
Years back, my (English) mother told me proudly that she'd found a kennels which accepted dogs who had been given "homeopathic nosodes" in place of the legally mandatory kennel cough vaccinations. I reported the kennels. I'm lucky I grew up before being an antivaxxer was fashionable.
👏👏👏 the fact that children of antivaxxers seem to often grow up more rational than their parents is one of the cornerstones of my belief that humanity deserves a chance to exist
Not in Ireland at least, the MMR vaccine was the prime target before COVID which has made antivax massively more mainstream unfortunately.
Actively seeking to increase measles among your fellows ranks up there for cruel and antisocial idiocy.
Ah yeah, the cAuSe of aUtIsM. Well, I think it’s still considered a freakish thing to refuse MMR here in Central Europe, but probably my impression is too subjective
Antivaxers have always tilted at least slightly right. The worst ones seem to flock to whoever panders to them, and that has been very strongly Trump/GOP for 9 years. Also be aware that "hippie" culture has always been infected with a lot more fascists than is immediately obvious.
It’s more a hippie delusion, but includes tradwife gingham cosplay fake homesteaders as well, some sov cit types, real grab bag of fuckwittery. Know who keeps their dogs vaxxed? Crusty ol’ coon hunters, go figure.
Thanks for describing this demographic group so eloquently. It would have been funny if it wasn’t so scary
What. The. Fuck? Why would *anyone* be against vaccinating their pet against a disease that certainly ends with death? Why are people like this?
It's because there is an overvaccination problem where some of the vaccines are unnecessary unless you're sending your dog to a kennel or any environment where there a lot of other dogs. The rabies vaccine is necessary and is lumped in with the unnecessary ones. Has to be all or none for them
Your dog really needs heartworm protection, flea and tick protection, and the rabies vaccine. If you're keeping the dog at home you really don't need the rest for a majority of cases.
Parvo has entered the chat.
We mostly keep our dogs in the backyard. They aren't around any other dog feces but their own. But yeah if you take your dogs to dog parks or a lot of walks with people who don't pick up after their dogs (gross). Sure, vaccinate with that.
If other dogs exist around you, you should be vaccinating against parvo. Poo particles don't stop at your property line.
We keep our dogs in our house and backyard. The Husky digs her way out on occasion, the pit just chooses to jump the fence, then there was this time our gardener left the gate open. This doesn't even include the rabbits and coyotes that make their way freely into our yard.
"My children are clean followers of Christ who would never do anything without telling me."
Is it more expensive because there are more vaccines or something? If not, what does it matter if your pet gets a vaccination they might not need.
Mostly because a dog can have a bad reaction to it. Our oldest dog is tiny and has historically had liver issues so we try to not put him in situations where he needs to be put under. We try to just give him the minimum he needs
I live in a high-pet-ownership area of a large city, so this really isn’t realistic for me or anyone like me.
Also "overvaccination" is not a legitimate veterinary diagnosis, it's concern trolling. If a patient cannot receive vaccines due to their health status or previous vaccine reactions, then they should have their titres checked at the bare minimum.
That's why there are CORE vaccinations (Rabies+DHPP for dogs, Rabies+FVRCP for cats, Rabies+Distemper for ferrets) and elective vaccines (Bordatella, Leptospirosis, Lyme Disease, etc). Elective vaccine recommendations are based on the patient's risk factors (lifestyle, location, health status).
Yeah see PetSmart doesn't distinguish. They're like "your pet needs all of the vaccines they can take" they don't give an option for core vs elective. You have to speak up if you want them to skip lepto or distemper
Distemper is a core vaccine. Leptospirosis is not. Distemper is highly contagious (from direct and indirect contact with fluids and aerosols) and can cause pernament chronic disease, neurological signs, and death. It's easily preventable with a vaccine every three years and protects other pets too.
The other vaccines are not legally mandated nor is rabies contained within a combo vaccine like DHLPP or DHPP so I am really unsure of what you mean by none or all? My dogs don't get the bordetella vaccine because they don't need it. Our vets don't harass us about it or force it.
What a bunch of drivel and he even ends it with that quote from Kirk saying annual vaccinations are not required. Yes, ANNUAL vaccines are not required. Most are good for several years. The ones my animals get are anyway. You still want to get them when due, and annual exams are a very good idea.
It depends on the level of risk in a specific region. A vaccine that is deemed to work for 3 years in Germany is considered a 1y vaccine in Ukraine. But it these people stop vaccinating pets, it may become annually required at some point 🫠
That's a really enraging piece, from the quoting of the law dictionary to the "what about cats and dogs who don't go out" (because, if they really have 'studied the law', they'd know that creating this sort of loophole will be exploited by the sort of people looking for a get out)
Also, even an indoor cat isn't necessarily completely isolated. For example, if your indoor cat catches a mouse that is infected...
Bats. They get it from bats.
Serous viral and parasite infection risk is owner entering home. Bringing stuff under boots. I live in no-boots-indoors culture and even I managed to get some of my cats infected with terrible stuff (almost ending with fatalities once), no longer happening since we enforced the no boot rule to 100%
PS: Since the most serious incident I keep them vaccinated against common parasites and the worse viruses. Can't afford to vaccinate them all against everything around.
"What about animals that don't go out?" BATS. Bats bats bats bats bats. Ever left a window open at night? Congrats, you've just introduced the possibility of your pet coming into contact with a lyssavirus carrying flying machine with fangs.