
Oh look, a good candidate for blocking
I also like how this is a response to my pointing out that white people lose all the sense and dignity they were blessed with when asked to let Black people move around society without violence
WTAF is wrong with people
Far too often, they suck, and are proud of sucking
Blocked. Gratefully.
I'm not educated enough to make this point well, but whiteness is an addiction, with no positive value and only personal and societal harm. I wish we (white people) would learn to how to give up whiteness in favor of real identities instead of constructed racist bullshit.
That's the thing though doesn't everyone has a real cultural identity? Where's this white meant as a monolith group idea come from? (Rhetorical question, I think I know answer.) Like, I'm Ashkenazi Jewish with a Slavic grandfather, born and raised in Eastern Europe and that's my identity. In no
way am I going to identify with people who have in the past made offensive, patronizing, condescending etc comments to me based on any part of my identity. (Believe me there were a lot. Oddly more ppl had issues w me being immigrant than w everything else.) Oh you think we white ppl should stick
together, Susan? Did you think of it before or after you pulled me aside to tell me how amazing it was that I had been able find a job and stay employed here in the US, despite not being born here? Go find your English or Irish or whatever people, stick together with them and leave me tf alone.
“Whiteness” is just a social construct to define the in group, and people shouldn’t pretend it’s anything more. I clearly fall within it, but I also know that even in my grandparents’ generation that wasn’t necessarily true as there was still anti-Irish and anti-Polish prejudice
There was still anti-Polish jokes being told on the playground when I was kid in the 90s! Also let’s not pretend it’s immutable; Hitler and the Nazis classified the Japanese as Aryan, and Tila Tequila is a white nationalist at this point (which is a sentence that shouldn’t exist)
Oh it is for sure an evolving hierarchy. Like many of us wypipo, I read the book Caste three years ago. Unlike many of us wypipo, I kept exclaiming to myself "oooh! So just like in the old country" and "oooh! So that's what it's been the entire time" while reading the book. I had already suspected
that something like the hierarchy described in the book, was at work here, before I started reading it. Only i used to call it "my conspiracy theory, haha" and the few people I told about it looked at me like I was imagining things... I wasn't, though.
The part about it being an evolving hierarchy that people forget is that it can go both ways. A lot of Arab people were “white” until September 2001.
And the white in-group has a vested interest in generalizations. Many don't understand, for one example, Lebanese people aren't 'Arab'. Not internally nor externally. Moreso in the USA where many whites can't grasp that all the other groups are as diverse as 'Europeans'.