Project Azar

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Project Azar

Kansas Attorney, Debate and Forensics Coach, General Nonsense Purveyor (He/Him)
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so the dude with full AK-47, ski mask, ammo, etc., gets arrested after approaching the RNC, but an unhoused Black man well away from even the vehicle perimeter for the RNC, all the way across a major highway, gets shot to death by five cops. got it.
My contribution to the timeline cleanse: today I completed taking my second ever expert depo, taking my second ever depo, and my second depo in the last week. I've been an attorney for 7 years, so it feels like this should have happened by now but it's a little personal milestone. Boston rocks.
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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I told a group of students today, when it was 100 degrees in DC, that “hey this is the coldest summer of the rest of your lives.” They did not laugh. Also, I was not kidding. We’re gonna lose the country and the fucking planet to THIS GUY? No. Unacceptable. Absofuckinglutely not.
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And to my trans sisters and brothers and others 😉: You are loved, you are cherished, you are amazing, you deserve the world. Our job is to make it safe for you as we make it safe for each other. That’s a lot of work along many different vectors, but it’s easier to do it together.
This whole thing has been kind of darkly bemusing because at no point am I leaving my main point, which is that anti-Black behavior runs rampant on this platform regardless of the background of the non-Black person perpetrating it and that nothing supersedes whiteness when racism is involved.
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So far this is basically the trans-bashing convention and (1) it's disgusting, and (2) I'm really not sure it's what normal people want to hear from a political party. Also if any neutral media type really care about "lowering the temperature" they should start note the hate speech in Milwaukee.
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Anyway, for other white folks interested, here's a quickish introduction to a concept a student introduced me to during a debate season. Ontological Terror as a response to whiteness that ascribes to itself the very idea of being.
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Allies who appreciate that I’m taking these deeply annoying people on can help by subscribing to my Patreon or checking out my website, or…I dunno, tip jar on PayPal. You don’t have to, but if you really want to help, that’s what I would like.
I want to be abundantly clear here: Kaitlin is a god damn hero in this place. If you are white (like I am), and want to do the work of antiracism, you gotta come to terms with your whiteness and not impose that shit on others who shouldn't have to deal with it.
You don’t have any actual substantive accusations against me, which is why you’re just calling me a bigot and demanding that it stick. All because I am calling out your whiteness as the primary factor in the anti-Blackness on this site. None of y’all are beating the racism allegations right now
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Anyone calling Kaitlyn a bigot is out of their fucking minds
You don’t have any actual substantive accusations against me, which is why you’re just calling me a bigot and demanding that it stick. All because I am calling out your whiteness as the primary factor in the anti-Blackness on this site. None of y’all are beating the racism allegations right now
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The thing I resent most deeply about modern billionaires is that the thought of humanity exploring space used to feel exciting and now it fills me with dread. It shouldn't have been the worst of us who first get to greet the stars in the sky.
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Relevant again today.
"What I'm really calling for is something like Tech Zionism." Here in the Bay Area, the billionaires are cooking up a new extremism and they are on the march.
The Tech Baron Seeking to Purge San Francisco of “Blues” If Balaji Srinivasan is any guide, then the Silicon Valley plutocrats are definitely not OK.
I didn't think it would make it but Under Paris somehow jumps the shark more intensely than the first Sharknado.
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I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
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Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
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Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
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Panic is not useful. There is space here for either a lowering of the temperature or a rhetorical trap for Republicans, but if everyone defaults to depression then there’s no room to imagine how to get closer to our goals.
“We would love Mr. Trump to join us in condemning political violence once and for all after the terrible incident on Saturday. This is a moment for him to help us unite the American people behind our true principle: We always solve problems through ballots, not bullets.”
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We are in a scary place. May we all have the love, compassion, and strength to build a better world.
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I'll repeat what I wrote in my book. People going after others should ask themselves: Am I going after the appropriate entity or the *available target*? A LOT of latter goes on. But cruelty laterally/downward does nothing to the entity that created a situation &ensures creation of a truly awful vibe
I think a lot of people get into a bad space here because the people with power they actually want to yell at would never in a million years be on Bluesky so we end up yelling at people who aren’t that bad and it makes everyone pissy and weird
Decided to submit this as a feature request. If you think a "bully-mode toggle" would be helpful, I'd suggest you say so here: Real-time moderation may not be practically possible, but limiting the vectors of attack should be technologically possible.
How difficult would it be to design an anti-bullying toggle in accounts? Basically, a toggle you can turn on that disables all interactions (QTs, Replies, DMs, Likes) for anyone other than those on an approved list (or those you follow). At a minimum, this would help react to the DoS-style bullying.
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Black people are not your mules. When we take up work from the space of work *we have been doing for centuries in this country* we do so because we care deeply about equality and making this country better. If you don’t appreciate that, it’s fine, but don’t dismiss it.
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Bullying a Black writer off of the site is still a group of white people attacking a Black person for being insufficiently pure, and it doesn’t change just because other marginalizations are in play
How difficult would it be to design an anti-bullying toggle in accounts? Basically, a toggle you can turn on that disables all interactions (QTs, Replies, DMs, Likes) for anyone other than those on an approved list (or those you follow). At a minimum, this would help react to the DoS-style bullying.
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My personal experience at bluesky has been fantastic, much of the good of pre-Musk Twitter and none of the bad. Yet I’ve never felt as pessimistic about the future of this app as I do right now, watching another important Black voice get run off the platform. Seriously, what the fuck, people?
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So many of y’all love to post ACAB for points, but have done next to nothing to confront and destroy your own “cop” mindset. You log on, surveil suspicious black people, and try to charge us for loitering every chance you get. And we see you.
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Holding a black man who writes EXCELLENT and helpful essays about democracy responsible for the acts of a heinous and hateful white woman so powerful at the NYT she was the *BOOKS EDITOR* for like a decade before becoming an opinion writer says everything about you and nothing about him.