
James is of America’s leading authorities on asylum and immigration law.
My favorite comments on here are white people are saying, "Biden had no choice." They keep justifying it as a policy but don't address the fact that it is illegal as the screen shot mentions. The UNHCR just stated that it is illegal also.
There is always a choice! He could have done this. He could have done nothing. He could have done something else. Choosing to do this is a choice, with moral implications. Insert angry noises in immigration lawyer.
I love the comments on here by non-Immigration Lawyers trying to justify this with bizarre rationales. Same people who hold their noses high when Trump supporters rely on pseudoscience or misinformation.
So many folks have bit down hard on the idea that people accessing asylum through the border is the problem and not that our entire messed up immigration system itself is the issue.
Look there are issues with fraudulent asylum claims but crack down on false claims under the INA authority as a deterrence. Why do this? Biden's legal team knows better which makes this all more infuriating.
I have a dynamite way to deal with fraudulent asylum claims: widen the availability of asylum so everyone who has been persecuted by anyone in their country can qualify, and also widen visa availability so people who haven’t, can still come here if they want or need to.
turning them away is better than detaining them like they were doing. not my preferred option either, but leftists need perspective.
They are detained for two weeks and processed for a credible fear interview and then released if they pass or deported if they don't. Now they will be forced to live in an area where the Mexican cartels will prey on them. I have clients who were kidnapped and raped by cartel members while waiting
Another expert weighs in. But what does he know right?
*pointing at bad things happening right now* "This is what will happen if Trump wins"
This is extremely disappointing and I’m not sure what the motivation was, aside from trying to court voters on the right.
Or, this is one of those things that the Democrats only pretend to care about.
I’m confused do you mean democrat politicians or democrat voters? It’s definitely an issue that democrat voters care about. Politicians care about what gets them elected.
Politicians. They do care about what gets them elected, except they still often fail to properly represent their constituency. In several ways, they uphold a lot of the nasty parts of the status quo just like republicans would.
If democrat voters care about this (which I don't doubt), then why are they democrat voters?
Got any other candidates in mind who would do something different, wise guy? Sometimes all we got is the least worst option.
No, it's one of those things Democrats actually care about. That's why he is trying to undermine the coyotes ability to take advantage of people.
biden is racist as fuck he has been subjecting people on the border to horrific conditions his entire presidency
besides, anyone willing to throw living human beings under the bus to “appeal to the right” is just a right winger in the first place
The motivation is in the fact sheet and his speech. As much opposition as he is getting from republicans it is what he can do. I think it is going to turn out a lot better than the alarmists are saying. Not to mention better than the liars are saying.
Watch Biden's full speech on immigration at the President Joe Biden announced a new immigration authority that will allow the administration to ban asylum seekers who cross the border illegally. (CNN)
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No it isn't. His motivation is to temporarily do what he can about the border until he can get the support he needs to fix the situation. He talks about his intention in the speech you didn't listen to. FYI...
Russian disinformation sites linked to former Florida deputy sheriff, research A new report from a media watchdog connects John Mark Dougan, who now lives in Russia, to scores of fake news sites.
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This is a craven bid to lasso more racists into his voting bloc.
Yup. His advisors are telling him to ignore the left flank if the party as they are not substantial and just go for the right leaning independents. Good luck with that.
genuinely I don't even think it's that 'political', he's just a racist doing things he likes
Biden is moving to the right because he views Nikki Haley voters as a more gettable bloc than the leftists who respond to him cancelling $153 billion in student debt and ending coal mining in the Powder River Basin with "nice try genocide Joe, still not voting for you"
To be clear, are you saying that cancelling student debt and reducing coal mining cancels out enabling a genocide?
I'm saying regardless of which party is in power, the US will keep supporting Israel because global capitalism (which has more of a say in int'l affairs than any individual nation-state) requires that the Red Sea/Mediterranean Sea shipping channel be protected by a well-armed, West-friendly country
So why did you not mention that at all in your original post and instead contrast critics of Biden's support for genocide with two domestic issues?
yeah and he’s completely and obviously wrong
You really going to tell me that people who voted for Biden in 2020 are more getable voted then people who voted for trump in 2016 and 2020? Sounds far fetched to me!
Is he wrong morally to support Israel? Of course! But is he wrong in his political calculations? I don't think so. Tomorrow he could declare all land between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea to belong to Palestine and wage war on Israel to enforce that and leftists still wouldn't support him
that’s not true, but what is true is that he could build the wall and cook up “covid but it only affects arabs” and Haley voters still wouldn’t support him
Copying the Conservatives in UK
He's probably waiting for the Supreme Court to overturn it.
Biden is damned if he does or doesn't. I agree with closing the border if more people are coming in than can be accommodated. Countries all over the world do that, so why say the US can't?