
Are you actively trying to put a fascist in office? you do understand that by having a following and continually skeeting and tweeting “Biden dementia bad” (your too-cute-by-half ableist stuff is obvious) actually is heard and seen by other people?
Carl Bernstein on CNN saying Biden has had "15-20" episodes in the last year like the one he had during the debate with a noted increase in the last six months
If Biden remains on the ticket I'm definitely voting for him, but I do think we're owed the full truth. My father had Alzheimer's, and my mother had dementia from Parkinson's. I've witnessed this in person and it's awful.
Maybe we shouldn't make medical diagnoses based on a debate?
I'm not saying we should. I'm saying I think he should sit down for an extended interview and let us see more. Pick the interviewer. Jon Stewart maybe. He'll be fair. A person who has all their wits about them should have no problem doing that.
But what is the benefit of doing that? So more armchair experts can diagnose him? Biden is live on TV multiple times each week. We have plenty of evidence aside from the debate. And even then we cannot reliably draw any sort of medical conclusion from those!
Also, what does "have all their wits about him" mean? See how this is a harmful conversation to have? We just end up dissecting things that ought not to be dissected. (I'm not trying to be an ass, just pointing out how troublesome this can be!)
People regularly think I’m ‘slow’ because I am hard of hearing and need to either have something verbally repeated.
Yes! So much of this ableism/ageism masked as political concern.
Realizing I dropped the “or have captions complete transcribing” which has been a godsend for video conferencing these past few years.
Look I would completely fuck up in a debate. By all accounts Thomas Jefferson was a terrible speaker. I wish people wouldn't choose a president based on style but I'm not convinced they won't.
I hear you, it’s a very fraught time. Part of fighting the forces of authoritarianism is rejecting the conceits optics in the first place, because authoritarians traffic in the pantomime of power. It’s a psychological war game.
By armchair experts, do you mean American voters? If he has it all together, then we can see. All those other events are carefully controlled. Are you saying we don't dare risk such an interview?
Why should they feed into the narrative that Biden has to "prove" anything? He has served 3.5 years, made hundreds of public appearances, and had several major policy successes, but because he had a brain cramp he must not be fit to lead. It's crap.
Why are the media not saying the exact same about Trump who cannot string together a coherent and truthful statement. Oh, right, it's because he does so confidently with a booming voice, so he must be in better shape. This all boils down to people making judgments on style.
I don't disagree. They definitely should be saying that about Trump, and also that he's a fascist lunatic. But some people ARE going to make judgments on style. We can all hate it, I do, but when is that going to change?
He gives interviews all the time! Just not to the NYT
I do not understand this belief that Biden has been hiding somewhere and we've only just heard him speak for the first time last week
Yeah, I was reassured by the Howard Stern interview. If that had come out this week I think all this would quiet down. If he does another one just as well, I think it will quiet down. I just don't think the feeding frenzy will stop without it.