
Republicans are pulling off a monstrous scam as we speak. They are refusing to accept billions of dollars in *actual border security money,* in part because it doesn't include cuts to *legal* immigration (asylum and parole). No press account should call what Rs are demanding "border security."
Immigrants denying immigrants entrance to the country that never denied them? Here is your Christian charity. Is this the kind of Christian you are - selfish, uncharitable, kick a person while they are down? Neither is God or Jesus...
It’s funny how in the midst of all the bs rhetoric, everyone ignores the fact that the Republican Party IS the Russia party. Ukraine aid is likely finished or at least will never again get approved by any gov branch held hostage by the Rs.
They don't want border money. They want no aid to Ukraine.
Because their platform is demanding everyone support their white supremacy.
I canceled my Wapo subscription. I will re-subscribe if you will direct me to an article in Wapo that compares the GOP HR 2 and what the administration has proposed.
Since when do they care who's illegal or not...? No, they want the illegal immigration issue to grow, that's all. Anything that's going to give Biden a crutch heading into 2024, they want to exemplify.