
If Mike Johnson and Rs are going to hold hearings blaming Dems for campus antisemitism, then Ds should use them to highlight: *GOP's antisemitic Soros smears *Trump dinner with antisemite Nick Fuentes *GOP embrace of Great Replacement Theory New piece from me:
Mike Johnson’s Ugly New Lie About Campus Protests Hands Dems a The speaker’s invocation of the name of George Soros bursts a tactical door open for Democrats—if they have the guts to walk through it.
Mike Johnson, James Comer, and Marjorie Taylor Greene have all suggested George Soros and/or globalist elites are behind the protests. “These are House Republicans who did not condemn Trump for having dinner with a neo-Nazi," @RepDanGoldman tells me.
In my dreams Dems could also use the hearings to voice core principles: It's possible to call out antisemitism while also insisting it's not antisemitic to criticize Israel's war conduct. Or that one can call out violence while also condemning police overreaction.
Important to understand how Soros/Great Replacement tropes map onto a spectrum. Rs often employ "soft" versions of them that invoke more pernicious versions while preserving plausible deniability. Some thoughts on how this works here. (h/t
Dems should also take apart how Trump is incorporating the protests into his broader use of the language of dictators. In his agitprop, alliance of an axis of globalists and domestic leftist agitators is key to his pretext for an authoritarian crackdown as president.
I feel like dems need to remember that for a large portion of the gop, a dictator is a feature not a bug and to message accordingly. If father runs the house and the church, its just an extension to say the govt
A MAGA nut explained to me the other day that the Soros tropes aren’t antisemitic because Soros is a secular Jew who isn’t a Zionist. 🤦‍♂️🤬
WATCH-- Chris Hayes 🛑 : It's easier to argue about what college kids are doing than to confront the human misery and destruction that's happening in the actual conflict which is, of course, the source of these protests.
Chris Hayes: Why campus protests are 'the easier debate' Chris Hayes: It's easier to argue about what college kids are doing than to confront the human misery and destruction that's happening in the actual conflict...
Unfortunately there are quite a few Dems who have shown themselves to be victims of the decades-old influence that conflates Judaism and Jews with the state of Israel. To the extent they also believe criticism of Israel is the same as antisemitism. Smart and good people being blind on this issue.
My experience, if they are blaming democrats for doing it they are doing it. GOP and fascist playbook 🤷‍♂️
I wonder where they got the idea
"Soros funds antisemitism" was not on my bingo card.
having worked for an org in the Soros Extended Universe, I cannot overemphasize how banal and boring much of the work he and the circle of center-left wealthy dudes have funded. What I did was useful, beneficial for society if only a bit, I never got to issue orders to antifa supersoldiers
Not to mention the “very fine people” who chanted “Jews will not replace us.”
Dems: “We can’t do that. It would be provocative.”
Dems are spineless cowards though and the Republican REEEEEE is too powerful.
Maybe mention zero push-back for Neo-Nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us!" in the state where Ron DeSantis is governor.
A few cherry-picked photos and videos of campus antisemitism will be a lot more compelling than an argument that Republicans are hypocrites. That argument is bullet-proof and obvious, but imagery of campus protests is immediate and visceral, especially given popular opinion against the protests.
baloney, Dems can call out the violence where it happens while also pointing out that Rs have no business blaming antisemitism on anyone
Really the minimum threshold for good communications strategy; even if the coalition is split on Israel policy you gotta be able to punch right at the GOP, who Netanyahu incidentally would love to see back in full federal power
All I need is a couple thousand more elected officials who agree with me 😭
I hope you're right. Rs hauling in college presidents on hypocritical antisemitism charges hasn't been so good for liberal values like free speech. But maybe Dems will do better next time.
Campus antisemitism is a problem and it's a horrific nightmare for Liberal Jews that ignoring the problem of antisemitism from the Left has given the Right this opportunity to run with this. Liberal Jews have no one to advocate for them anymore but themselves and no one listens to us.
the piece explicitly and repeatedly describes campus antisemitism as a problem
I should add; you mostly discuss right wing antisemitism and raise the spectre of left wing antisemitism as a hypothetical and appear to deny that democrats aren't doing enough against left wing antisemitism (they aren't).
You know, if GOPs want to (ab)use their power with slanted misdirections of real issues, maybe Dems shouldn't be so quick to save Mike Johnson as Speaker. If GOPs want to talk about outside agitators, Dems better ask who was firing fireworks at encampments at UCLA. And ask about other ratfucking
The House speaker called on the FBI to get involved, adding: “I think they need to look at the root causes and find out if some of this was funded by, I don’t know, George Soros or overseas entities.” [Endless scream]
How does somebody actually say that they need to investigate whether [Soros conspiracy theory] is behind antisemitism without their own head exploding? Is this like when Putin insists that Ukraine was a Nazi state (with a Jewish president) while being enthusiastically repressive of Jews himself?
Greg, I really hope the jellyfish running the Dem party hear you shouting correct directions on how to get from here to there.
Democrats fight back??? That’s not allowed! /s/
It won’t work because the people voting for Republicans don’t give a shit about GOP hypocrisy, because the media only spreads GOP messaging and because the largest organizations that are suppose to protect against antisemitism (like the ADL) care more about the Israeli far right.
what's at issue is what swing voters think, not what hard core Republican voters think...we have to stop shaping everything around what MAGA voters think/feel/say
If it’s about what swing voters think, playing this game *only* on ground that the GOP controls (congressional hearings) aided and abetted by mainstream press is the wrong answer. Campaign ads that tell the truth about what the GOP will do with power (and how swing voters will be harmed) are needed.
Correct. MAGAs are IRRELEVANT in deciding this election, outside of the fact that they should be used to show swing/casual voters what they don't want for the future. Who cares what MAGAs think. Talk about the facts and what is really happening, don't be scared of what the 30%ers want to believe.
These days “swing voters” don’t really exist. Very few people are on the fence. It’s more about what the base thinks. We have to stop shaping everything about what these mythical undecided voters think and appeal more to the progressive base.
maga hates Jews. Gun forums prove what the alt right thinks about non-whites, and Jews. Unite The Right made it abundantly clear that 'others' were the enemy. "Jews will not replace us', is as clear as it gets.
Nick Fuentes is a little more than just an anti-Semite. Dude is a straight neo-Nazi.
the piece describes him as a neo-Nazi
He’s featured prominently in the TV documentary series Web of Lies ep. titled “I Am Not A Nazi”. It’s a really good watch.
Can't believe Dems are committed to helping this guy remain Speaker.
Mike's trying to lump dems into the "asocial"group. (See nazi germany.)
I am younger than Soros but wish I could cause as much trouble as he is accused of.