Rebecca S

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Rebecca S

the poet laureate of these four square feet • in the path of totality • 🐋 whale verified • VT
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Basho, tr. Lucien Stryk
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The way that grief comes whipping around the corner on a sunny summer day and lays you flat.
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this Thomas Lux poem is just astonishing
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I’ve texted so many friends: “Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” takes place on June 27th. Enjoy your day!” Heheheheheehehe. 🪨
For several days before our wedding in 1992, we camped on Mt. Fløyen. It seems that you can no longer camp on Fløyen, which I understand, but it was glorious to have this view to ourselves when the tourists went back to town. Fløibanen har vært i kontinuerlig drift siden 1918, kun avbrutt av oppgraderinger underveis. Nå har vi tatt’an helt ut, og har plass til 120 eksemplarer av både bymann og stril på hver eneste avgang. ...
Nothing like having your crappy out-of-town 2nd-home-owning neighbors email you their new demands, forcing you to have to deal with them and let them know you are recently widowed. Banner day, universe.
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Questions of Travel There are too many waterfalls here; the crowded streams hurry too rapidly down to the sea, and the pressure of so many clouds on the mountaintops makes them spill over the sides in soft slow-motion, turning to waterfalls under our very eyes. 1/
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Happy birthday to Anne Fucking Carson 🎈
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a well-graced actor leaves the stage
In the midst of it all, I went to see art, then went to the river, and found a brief calm in the center of the swirl.
I managed to make it until 5 pm without crying today, which is really something considering what day it is. Ice cream for dinner? I think so.
Barred owl nights. Mourning dove dawns. You are not here. You are everywhere.
Waiting in the dark with my grief for the promised rain, while fireflies take up the work of the night
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"How simple the future is. Everything already exists. The tree. The sky. The elegance of the balustrade in the hot, thin air." #TodaysPoem #poetry Balustrade by from Don't Let It End Like This Tell Them I Said Something (2014
Paul Vermeersch: A Poetry and the writing/reading life
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I go from flax to dynamic positioning to grasses, via Flanders and Juliana Spahr and Layli Long Soldier in this essay on the line(s) that make the world and its poems up: "Vertical lines support the illusion of an unbroken plane of water; water that is in fact the flax flowers facing the sun."
Éireann Lorsung: Linkages I: On the line — On the line  This essay is developed from the written score for a lecture by the same title delivered over Zoom in December, 2023. The images included were...
Your apple tree is blooming, love. Your phoebes are nesting again. Your grass is greening and growing. The world somehow keeps on spinning.
"The idea is the mind has wings. The idea being when the dog runs off in the dark, darkness is your dog." #TodaysPoem #poetry The Best Way I Can Describe It by Dean Young (2018 Quarterly West)
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Just stepped outside after a very intense afternoon and birdsong was everywhere! Ovenbirds, black-capped chickadees, winter wrens, song sparrows, house wrens, veerys, wood thrushes, definitely others I couldn't single out. Thank you world! 🐦
So I'll continue to continue 🌸🌸🌸
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Beautiful news, and so well deserved.
Congrats to Dartmouth English and creative writing professor Vievee Francis, who was awarded the 2023 Vermont Book Award for poetry on Saturday! 🎉 She was honored for her recent poetry collection, "The Shared World."
Simonds, Ruefle, Francis and Nott Win Vermont Book Three Vermont poets and a cartoonist have won the 2023 Vermont Book Awards, the state's highest literary prizes, which were presented at the Vermont College...
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All, please listen to/support the student journalists of WCKR, and all eyes on what's happening at Columbia right now. They're reporting live, as it looks like police are about to raid the campus:
Schedule | WKCR 89.9FM
What is social media for if not a virtual cavern where I howl my grief and despair? The echoes endless. How can I ever be whole again?
In my before life, I used to write poems, and this was one of them. Maybe I will again someday, but for now I'm grateful for the before poems, and for all the poets and writers and artists and musicians, and for people like Vicki, who share beauty with the world. 💙
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"Totality" has been accepted into an eclipse themed art show happening on Sunday, the day of the solar eclipse! #Art
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Truly, we live in a world beyond pranks. Every day strains the limits of credulity. Truth grows ever more elusive, etc etc.
I'd like to start a norm on Bsky that April Fool's doesn't exist and "joking" (by lying) gets you a dog-pile