
Full court press - the Times can make a story last when they want it too, similar to how every conservative - even the "moderates" start rowing in the same direction when theres a supreme court confirmation fight.
It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing
Makes you think! Way fewer stories about email servers this year despite Trump having far worse lapses of email open records protocol and stealing classified docs! Wonder why it stopped mattering all of a sudden!
Email redux
Which has generated more New York Times app push notifications and front page headlines? Hillary Clinton NOT getting indicted for mishandling classified documents or Donald Trump actually getting indicted for mishandling classified documents? Why would that be the case?
Trump stealing top secrets and literally showing them to randos AND MEETING WITH THE SAUDIS with them in his possession haven’t generated 1% the ink of the remote possibility of any of that happening