
Full court press - the Times can make a story last when they want it too, similar to how every conservative - even the "moderates" start rowing in the same direction when theres a supreme court confirmation fight.
It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing
Makes you think! Way fewer stories about email servers this year despite Trump having far worse lapses of email open records protocol and stealing classified docs! Wonder why it stopped mattering all of a sudden!
Email redux
Which has generated more New York Times app push notifications and front page headlines? Hillary Clinton NOT getting indicted for mishandling classified documents or Donald Trump actually getting indicted for mishandling classified documents? Why would that be the case?
Voters were constantly complaining that there were not enough stories about proper citation formatting in papers authored by Ivy League university administrators and the Times listened
The worst part is their excuse is “voters don’t care” (because they’re not making it the top story)
At the same time the Saudis gave Trump's son in law $2,000,000,000 and started making huge production cuts that spiked the price of oil under Biden! but hey that's not as interesting as Clinton's email server apparently
Trump stealing top secrets and literally showing them to randos AND MEETING WITH THE SAUDIS with them in his possession haven’t generated 1% the ink of the remote possibility of any of that happening
NYT lacks juice too. This would have been total doom for a Democrat twenty years ago
Just after he & his son-in-law gave the Saudi government top-secret defense tech and outsourced U.S. defense production jobs to there.
Trump stealing top secrets and literally showing them to randos AND MEETING WITH THE SAUDIS with them in his possession haven’t generated 1% the ink of the remote possibility of any of that happening
this is 100% true but (and this isn't exculpatory at all) the media world in '24 is wildly different than in '16 and so is the NYT ability to drive the national news conversation, imo
Both are still less than the relentless updates on every accusation against Claudine Gay.
The worst part is their excuse is “voters don’t care” (because they’re not making it the top story)
How are they supposed to care when they don't know about it?
Could do servers! to Eric Adams too, amazingly
why would the "New York Times" write about *checks notes* New York?
I'm not sure anything will ever annoy me more than their "we're a NATIONAL newspaper, we couldn't at all be bothered to look into something as provincial as the most obvious criminal fraudster who just won NY-03 before the election" routine
When Harry Met Sally but every time we re-encounter the NYT it is worse
Claudine Gay redux.
Dean Scream, now and forevermore.
For better or worse, SCOTUS rulings and Bannon will overtake the news cycle tomorrow.
I would like to believe this is the case but the end of Chevron came the day after the debate and now here we are again.
the general public doesn't know what Chevron is and will never understand its impact until it smashes them in the face or in the drinking water/air/etc
The idea that media should just give the people what they want really gives up the game on the idea of, you know, informing them of anything.
Idk maybe we shouldn't have built an entirely fucking obvious conflict of interest by introducing fiduciary duty to shareholders into "informing the general public of important events"
I think this depends on whether SCOTUS holds the immunity case over, or not. My gut has been telling for a while the case is being held over. But who knows, I won’t be surprised either way.
Um, what the fuck is this?
But nobody is interested in reading about Trump being a convicted felon
its like a cross between one of those videos of a dog barking at it self in the mirror and Chuck Rhoades rat fucking plot from a later season billions
I could imagine a very Scooby Doo episode where it turns out the NY Times had been kidnapped and under it’s mask it has been the NY Post this whole time.
So, legitimately is it too tinfoil haty to say that the Times leadership wants Trump to win?
Fuck the NYT it's complicit
I think they’re kinda blowing their load too soon. It will blow over and when they try to do it again in a month it won’t work
can't believe those leftists at the times would do this
Let me know when they say the danger is so great, he needs to resign now. That wouldn't make them serious people, but would make a little more sense.
Any connection to the NYT Israel bias to get Trump elected? Trump is all in on Merrium Adelsons million dollar donors wishlist for Netanyahu doing whatever the hell they want.