
As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve been thinking a lot about the electoral choice we have in 2020 with more focus over the past few days, and I keep returning to a conclusion I reached a while back, but felt was not realistic enough as a scenario to be worth expressing.
And that is that, for the good of the country and their own good, both of the major-party presidential candidates should retire.
Joe Biden has served his country honorably for over a half-century. He deserves our thanks for that, and in particular for saving our Constitution, our democracy, and the rule of law by running for president and winning in 2020.
He deserves to live a happy retired life on the beautiful Delaware shore, and wherever his travels may take him and his wonderful wife and family.
I can’t quite say all of that about Donald Trump, but I do think that he, too, deserves a pleasant retired life.
Obviously he’d choose to devote some of that time to defend himself against the myriad remaining criminal charges against him. And that’s his right. But I nonetheless do wish him many comfortable years in retirement at a nice minimum-security U.S. Bureau of Prisons facility.
I think we all know that he’s going to take over Idi Amin’s old villa in Jedda at worst, but probably going to spend the last few years holed up in Trump Tower Dubai
Either way, the Felon has to go. A Felon running for president, after obstructing the peaceful transfer of power is utter BS. This says much about the character of the voters within the Republican party. And it ain't good.
For sure. He should be happy to experience this "prison reform" he's so fond of reminding us that he did for Black people.
Time to put away the edibles George.
Have you an answer for the long-standing question as to whether his presidential library will be an 18-wheeler that shuttles between Bureau of Prisons facilities
I would prefer Biden retire a few weeks after his inauguration in January 2025.
How about if Biden offers Trump a full pardon in return for dropping out of the race?
Biden is old. Yes he stutters. He also is walking slower, talking slower, and sometimes it takes a bit for him to get a thought out and sometimes he just can’t. But I know in my heart, Joe Biden is a good man and he cares about America and its citizens. I’ll take the old man any day, before DT.
Fine by me. As long as it starts tomorrow.
Look, he SAID it was a witch hunt. Out of respect for the former president I think we should grant his wish and round up a stake.
No, he does not. He deserves life in prison.
He deserves nothing of the sort.
I hear Ossining NY is nice this time of year.
No, Trump deserves to die in jail.
Oh! I read the last piece of the thread, and Mr Conway wasn't wishing a happy retirement to Trump as a free man!
Before jail would benefit America the most. Buried next to ivanka on the golf course.
So do you have another candidate in mind that can beat TFG???
Very clever bothsidesism there, Georgey.
No thanks, just the felon should retire
Stupid suggestion this close to the election. Unless, of course, you want to see even MORE chaos & instability than there already is in this country. Glad to unfollow you now
George, as always you have clarified the issue admirably.
Not helpful. Fantasy. Neither will retire a few mos from a national election they are major candidates in.
You’re wrong, you act like they’re equal on some level, again very wrong. Or that the parties are wrong headed in similar ways, again, beyond wrong. Biden is right and right for now bc he’s been a truly outstanding President, and will continue to be. Trump was, & is an evil moronic fascist Fckwit!
Hey man, I appreciate you finally switching to the side of Democracy, but you were an architect of the shit we're dealing with. Maybe stick to tearing down Trump instead of us
As much as I like you, George, I strongly disagree.
I'm starting to understand why your kids Hates both of you.
I believe you mean 2024, not 2020.