
I’ve been skeptical about the idea that there is an actual rightward turn underway at the NYT, and assumed their recent baffling editorial decisions were a result of the usual tepid liberal both sides-ism. Today I’m canceling my subscription.
And I’m screenshotting my favorite recipes from the Cooking section on the way out
You can also use your Seattle Public Library card to get 3 free days of full access at a time by redeeming a code provided on the SPL web site, in case you need to get back in and grab another recipe.
You’ll likely maintain access for some time, but the clock is ticking now. Better get on it! 🤣
You should be able to print them to PDF, which will be much easier to use than a screenshot!
If you have one of those extensions or apps that parse the recipe schema, it can pull out the recipe even with the blocking popup on-screen! Here’s the first free iOS app I saw in the store, after I pasted in the URL:
I wish I had a way to scrape the whole thing before I cancel. That's literally the only part I care about. :/
News outlets have decided trump means more clicks and views. Democracy be damned, they lust for his dictatorship.
It gets worse. He votes.
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
What an absolute jackass
Yes, but, also, the NYT is an absolute dumpster fire. I cancelled years ago and it's only gotten worse since then.
I cancelled when the chief editor said defending democracy was partisan that's enough for me to leave them.
I cancelled a while ago, and the frequency of "please come back" emails I'm still getting is noticeably higher from them than anything else I've ever stopped subscribing to. I mean, holy buckets.
I only subscribe to their cooking site, but I'm cancelling that regardless. I can't in good conscience give them any money, no matter what it's for.
You've given me the courage to do it, too.
Remember, kids: Republicans always vote. So when someone tells you not to, that makes it easier for them to win.
NYT had been publishing questionable content for a while.
I never forgave them for Judith Miller.
“If my vote isn’t the one that pushes my preferred candidate over the finish line, then I don’t want to vote and it’s just a big waste of time” What a thin skin & overly self absorbed wanker
Genuine question, how did their transphobic "just asking questions" reporting not get you to cancel sooner?
Yeah, this is what made me cancel a few years ago and I have seen the NYT for exactly what they are ever since. But I'm still glad for each person who catches on, however belatedly.
Because for a lot of people who consider themselves "allies", it's easier to believe their priors about how "liberal" orgs couldn't possibly be bigoted garbage, especially when the orgs frame their hate as just asking questions. The "allies" are also deeply infected with bothsidesism.
Same. I’m totally done with them.
I actually canceled a while ago but would dip in if someone had a gift link or something to something I wanted to read. Now I’m classifying them with garbage tabloids I can safely ignore
They’re a profit making entity. It was always rightwing to some extent. Of course they’ll pull any lever they can to keep their taxes down and increase their profit.
the right turn has been happening for a long time. it started with unbelievably misogynistic headlines like 8 years ago and has only intensified
why do op-ed pages even exist?
I canceled yesterday, after 30+ years. Impeccably timed.
I canceled when they were perilously close to revealing the Ukraine whistleblower as articles of impeachment were being drafted. If you ever need access, maybe your local library has 72 hour digital passes? I bookmarked the URL for my local when someone shares an NYT article.
I can't decide if it's a shame what has happened to journalism or if it's never really been what we thought it was and the current climate has just blown back the curtain
lol. Scrolling through 10 BIDEN IS OLD!! “News” pieces and “10 reasons Biden should drop out” opinion pieces only to find that headline, read the piece and find it to be the most solipsistic bullshit in history with no actual argument was what tipped me over the edge too. Cancelled (except games)
welcome to the pack. i held off because it was costing me $0 per month but even at that, i realized that engagement is only counted as support so i gtfo