🔺️Slam Campbell🔺️

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🔺️Slam Campbell🔺️


Mr Olympia bodybuilding contestant in the making.
The Body Guy of Superkick'd.
Co-host of Is It Camp?! a podcast about *CAMP*
Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
TO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, JULIE NEWMAR (1995, dir. Beeban Kidron) #OnePerfectShot Filmsky Dragsky 📽️🏳️‍🌈🚌
Dude in the washroom a couple stalls down from me, I fucking implore you: TURN OFF YOUR CHRISTIAN ROCK MUSIC WHILE YOURE POOPING. I DO NOT WANT TO POOP LISTENING TO SOMEONE PRAISE JESUS.
Can we get on this whole Bell Riots thing?
Kareem Abdul Gom-Jabar Is that a good joke?
Tonight I got a slutty pineapple tattooed on my back. A french-canadian slutty pineapple to be extact!
You never saw Orson Welles' real nose in his films. He was embarrassed by it's small size so he wore prosthetics in most of his roles.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Happy Father’s Day. From everyone at team #Nightwing (and #Batman). @brunoredondo.bsky.social.
captain picard day sales
Oh no, white chest hairs. This is not helping my constant need to tell younger guys not to call me Daddy
Is Dana Delany here yet? She's always fun to have around. Any idea @robdelaney.bsky.social ?
Watching All That Jazz, which is about how cool it is to be a very driven artist with a heart condition
“AI will replace movies. I can make my own version of Star Wars where I’m the hero and Obi-Wan doesn’t die.” The problem is we’ve allowed a society where adult men can say things like this without being shunned from the village to starve as a pitiful outcast.
The way this works is that if we just TAXED billionaires fairly, we wouldn't have to HOPE they might do good things with their money since we could, as a society, do it OURSELVES.
I've got the new WHO KILLED WCW Vice series on and it is EXTREMELY funny hearing Kevin Nash talk about Dusty Rhodes dropping acid and telling him "You're gonna be Oz, baby" only for Nash to go"...it's the WIZARD of Oz, Dusty. I can't be Oz. Oz is a geographical location."
I am in need of hearing @hkhspod.bsky.social opinions on the newest episode of Doctor Who, which comes across as a social media satire in a YA survival romance, because the end of the episode is such a bombshell.
In the 1960s, police would raid bars, beating and arresting gay people and suspected cross dressers (whose gender was forcibly checked). The people at Stonewall Inn fought for the right to exist without fear of persecution. Some today want those times back. Never again. 🏳️‍🌈
Established in 1970, Glad Day is the world’s oldest 2SLGBTQ bookstore. It has been at the heart of Canadian struggles for sexual liberation, free speech and creativity. Glad Day is in crisis & needs to raise $100,000 by the end of June in order to continue. Please donate, please share. More info:
Save Glad Day — Glad Daywww.gladday.ca
Why does every "I must breed my elite genes to save mankind" weirdo look like this?
Check out my new original character, Guy Around the Office Who's 100% Noticed That Clark Kent Is Superman
I feel like the newest episode of Doctor Who is right up @slimyswampghost.bsky.social alley. Minus the unholy flesh beasts that he would put in. Just an ever present sense of dread.
The neoliberal urge to turn systemic problems into personal choices and austerity disguised as consumerist choice/personal responsibility is only ramping up. This is just a thinly veiled attempt to start a process whereby reading and producing new knowledge etc is seen as an economic drain.
Starting to think this whole Butlerian Jihad thing might be a good idea if we start with breaking the fingers of every tech bro.
Do you think Cerebro was initially made to cure him of baldness but then the whole "oh it expands my telepathy" thing happened and he just went with it?
Explained to someone at work that the reason I am now being so anal retentive about safety in my new position as Safety Guy is so I can get all thay work done now and then just coast later. I'm being sage so I can be lazy.
Gonna make a supplement company just so I can make a grapefruit flavoured one and call it Pump-lemousse.