Ryan Wilson

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Ryan Wilson


#Husband #Father #DecolonialCommunist #Vegan #Lover #Reader #CollectiveStruggle #LandBack #EverythingIsPolitical currently reading: Wasáse: Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom by Taiaiake Alfred
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90% of "leftist infighting" is just people refusing to understand intersectionality and confront their privilege
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
How Grim’s watchin the Presidential Race…
JUST IN: Florida man arrested after threatening to kill Donald Trump and JD Vance, police say
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Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
He got a dickton of celebs tho…
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
The world, it turns out, did not end with a bang, but instead with a small minority of people who lived comfortably screaming “BUT WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR?!?!!?!?”
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
The US of KKK is the world’s longest running eugenics project thanks to the Parasite class and its minions.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
Know that they could have stopped Bird Flu in a multitude of ways but they all would have had a negative impact on industries… so they didn’t.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
instead of begging your elected officials to care about you, you should have made them *fear* you
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The ICJ ruling is toothless BECAUSE the IS wants it to be toothless. Justice and peace will not come through the courts of the Empire or any of its institutions. Sorry but you still have to get off your ass if you’re white and benefit from the existence of the Empire.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
Sorry y’all love your genocidaire Biden who continually sends bombs to destroy Gaza & is crumbling to ash at every public appearance & is symptomatically infected with COVID as a geriatric for the second time now so bad. Looks rough.
Reposted byAvatar Ryan Wilson
Winnie the Pooh has always been a good story when you scrub the Disneyfication marketing of it away.
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the social safety net is not meant to catch the people that society deems disposable
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White folks, you won't survive this without listening to Black folks & natives, & we don't care if you do or not.
Black people escaped forced captivity, slave labor, subhuman categorization and *endured* learning to survive in this foreign continent, often from Indigenous people who had been *resisting* both the passive and active genocide of European forced occupation. talk to either to learn how to survive
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Stop defending politicians! The last 8 years should have been more than enough to convince everyone that none of them are on our side. I roll my eyes when I see folks getting defensive about politicians that have no idea who they are, while being hostile to ordinary people with valid critiques.
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In the middle of the fucking chaos and despair of national politics, we're building a movement for a fee-free public banking platform in California, and there's nothing the big banks can do to stop us! A day late to this post.
How Grim’s watchin the Presidential Race…
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Hi Link! I'm doing a birthday crowdfund. It's my first as a free person aft a lifetime of abuse. Want to have some fun experiences but trying to live on SSDI gets in the way! 😅 I want to visit my BF & supportive family, & do touristy stuff. 💕💸 V: Annaleigh-Watts CA: $annaleighmaria PP: AnaleeWatts
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"The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office." Will Rogers
They’ve learned how to perfect the “act surprised when thing they did nothing to stop happens”
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if you can’t even imagine what it feels like to lose your job, home, third spaces, bank account, clothes, food, water, whilst witnessing the genocide of your people, hoping foreigners you’ve never will be compassionate enough to help please consider helping Bahaa www.gofundme.com/f/help-bahaa...
Help Bahaa Escape War and Start Fresh, organized by Julia Smith-Omomowww.gofundme.com Hi- this is a fundraiser for Bahaa. He is in Gaza and has been trying to leave… Julia Smith-Omomo needs your support for Help Bahaa Escape War and Start Fresh
My kid has an oculus, and I just put it in the weirdest places so he’ll forget about it.
Yes. It is going to reach pandemic levels and the people in charge are going to act shocked. It’s gonna suck.
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Famous last words????
Biden told the pool “I feel good” before entering Air Force One
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Bunch a nerds really telling on themselves. No wonder they were all great buds with Epstein.
Microsoft is the worst porn alias ever.
It’s just I’ve been watching this particular one from the beginning.