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he/him OH->CA->IN
chronic liker of posts
on the edge of Gen X / Gen Y
I might have to try that out. I have a ton of long thing magnets because I use them for very similar reasons in my laser engraver. My daughter's been coming up with wilder and wilder cosplay ideas and it's always fun trying to figure out exactly how to make the stuff in her head work in real life.
So you printed a few layers, added the toule, and then finished the print right over top? That's an awesome idea.
Yeah, I can see how that makes sense. I haven't really had any issues on here, but I caught a few stray blocks on twitter that didn't make much sense to me. For me I mostly interact with people I know and if I'm catching a block from a stranger I was probably trying to offend them.
I just can't imagine someone who goes out of their way to find all the people that don't like him. I know where that information is and I wouldn't go looking at my own account if you paid me.
I got curious and looked him up and I already had him blocked (probably for the same reason) and was also an antimutual. Oh well.
A level of petty to be admired. Still deserves that block, but admirable.
The only thing I'm really surprised about is that it took this long.
Bill does pick fights, but he's generally been on the right side of those fights. He's a decent dude and hopefully he's back soon.
Stickers wouldn't be the worst ads, I suppose. It cracks me up because every site I visit is constantly putting up ads for the thing I bought last month. Right now it's non-stop self cleaning litter boxes. Last month it was aquarium filters.
I was looking at his profile to see if he was one of those guys that just insists on talking over women, but no - he's like that with everybody.
He then quoted the interaction and started doubling down when people told him he looked weird and bad. Extremely weird behavior.
probably related to this
yeah. I generally mute people who are posting stuff that doesn't interest me but I don't necessarily disagree with (like dick pic guys or some furry artists), but block on here does such a good job of just erasing the other person it can be a better option for other stuff.
I think I'm sitting around 3000 on here without using any sort of blocklists or anything curated by other people. I think if you get a bad vibe from someone or there's just no good reason to see their posts ever again it's perfectly fine to just hit that ol block button.
1000 is a lot? 😬 But yeah, he's a tool and one of my first blocks on here.
Me: what an asshole. I'm just going to preemptively block this shit Me 10 seconds later: oh, I've already had her blocked for a long time I guess
I blocked a Ukrainian guy because he was being a tool in someone's replies. I never even interacted with him otherwise and he added me to some sort of anti-Ukraine list so I'm being blocked by like 100 of the most normal NAFO bros
JFC what's even going on here. Meg is good people.
I mostly agree. I 100% agree with point A and B. I choose to believe it would be hilarious if Trump became the Bolsonaro of bullets.
I can't imagine he wants anything to do with big crowds
Are you saying a book review columnist doesn't have control over the Opinion and editorial content?
That's actually really reassuring. I've been wanting to get into drawing more, but get discouraged because I simply can't hold a picture in my mind. I have no idea how you draw as well as you do, but it gives me some hope that I could improve eventually with some effort.
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I think Trump is as bad or worse in every way. I'm just frustrated that the DNC never even considered giving voters a primary and a lack of modern voting means anything outside the two party system isn't viable either.
Yeah, he's right. It's really not that big a deal to me if Biden makes some weird word slip-ups. The whole not budging on giving weapons to Israel so they can kill innocent people thing is a bit harder to forgive. Telling us that the economy is fixed because inflation is down isn't helping, either.
Honestly I like it when people put stuff out there loud and clear that they intend to be an asshole and not be ashamed. Just means I can block and move on without looking any deeper.
And he probably only ever does it to women
The bar is so low and yet society keeps finding ways to make it lower.
Most people want Harris specifically because Biden's funds, etc automatically default to her. At this date I'm not even sure other candidates can be eligible to be placed on a ballot in November in some states.