Hannah is resting 🟡

Profile banner

Hannah is resting 🟡


Permanently unusually disabled.

But Here We Are. Stay Kind.




pfp: Me in a lofi girl costume, scribbling in a notebook, a black cat rolling on her back

banner: "Pride Is A Riot" on a scarf on the wall
The Transistor and All Cats Are Beautiful I forgot I ordered these, I think just after surgery? Gold foil and pink 😍
The first tool, quick and explicitly a bot, around alt text that I made was originally for my ADHD ass: @/AltTxtReminder, a bot that DMed within seconds with a tweet link and "Your tweet has at least one image without a description" because I forgot constantly Its success made Twitter add reminders
I am gen not one to demand, but I do believe that his working there is unethical. The NYT maintains its Unbiased mask by giving a progressive space on some subject. Continuing to work there enables that. I don't think he is rich and would probably take a pay cut, but how much harm does that justify?
I finally got a decent pic of these with these 5 left, and want to print more. I thought I'd tweak some things 1st, would love opinions: Which tape design do you prefer? This is screen printing so halftone is how you get grey-ish fills, but it's easy to tweak darkness here if you think that's needed
Evict the Landlord Inside Your Head
Evict the Landlord Inside Your Head
why wouldn’t something live rent-free in my head? what do you think I am, a landlord?
I didn't pay to see the full thing, but three paragraphs was a enough to know that they are arguing that research into trans medicine was manipulated. In favor of trans people. Fuck just about anyone still giving them money.
Well that was quite a free pile.
this has been a wild 6 months CW: cancer, gore
Labeled by the author
@niedermeyer.io just saying I think you'd like this and maybe you watch just your tags 💜 Here's an (unretouched) pic of the whole vehicle, longer mockery in alt text
actually watching my first soccer in a while and
On the minus side: fuck you fuck you fuck you, genocidal Zionists, go fuck yourself into the sea On the plus side: they used sticker paper that doesn't adhere worth a damn and it already had a loose corner when I found it and peeled it next to whole
I found a trans windbreaker at Goodwill, though I wish it was a bit smaller
Building a browser plug-in that uses Artificial Intelligence* to tell you if a post should go to the-void.social instead *it says "yes, definitely" every time because if you're asking…
The Voidthe-void.social A place to scream
I've been giving these away for a long time, though this is a relatively recent version, and so many people give a "huh. whoa. yeah." CC0 design file: acab.city/gallery/stic...
Sometimes the best thing you can do is getting the fuck out of the way, Joe.
For those that don't want to click through, here's the sticker version, though it's contour cut instead of square
I did a run of stickers once, I have exactly one left 🐈‍⬛
I walked about 7 miles today in something much more punk. I'm definitely sore but also 👀🦵
I realized I have a useful tool for covid tests 🔎 (I wish negative antigen meant anything, though nothing specific to worry about atm)
I accidentally a purse strap sunburn/soon-to-be tan walking like 7 miles in the heat because I'm a dork (and also can't drive)
It's out of my hands and off into the world. I don't know where or if I'll see it again 🖤
Just finished up a banner for tomorrow. It feels really good to create again, it's the first time in a long time.
Just finished up a banner for tomorrow. It feels really good to create again, it's the first time in a long time.
Process: pre: adapt a sticker design for the banner dimensions - project it on the base, my cheap ass projector wireless fine - trace it. I use silver highlighter as it's visible but can be more easily covered - fill in red area - put black outlines on letters and edge the red on background
I think our root opinions are much more similar than you think. I think both the Clintons are scum tied deeply to capital, but that surprises me not at all in any powerful politician. I'm not defending her generally, but do think media focused on it so much for partisan reasons My political summary
I don't think you're wrong that she was scummy, but I expect any powerful politician to be scum I also think her campaign fucked up in a huge number of ways, which could have changed results, yet Liberals target blame at Bernie Bros, a convenient "villain" I won't talk more right now, 7/4 painting
Agreed, except: - s/I don't see it/I don't see it for Republicans/ - s/the president/a Republican president/ The right especially has long history of selective application and interpretation of law, on the ground and in court, based on politics, race, gender, sexuality… Words from Stafford Beer.
Constitution: People involved in insurrections should not be President. Roberts court:...hmm, no, I don't see it. Constitution:.... Roberts court: but the president should have immunity for crimes
I was curious how 2d-ocr.glitch.me would handle this.
on Android you can partially minimize the app and then press and hold on the text to copy it. It actually under-uses Google's powerful OCR API and is if anything better than Apple's in my research, though certainly still imperfect.
on Android you can partially minimize the app and then press and hold on the text to copy it. It actually under-uses Google's powerful OCR API and is if anything better than Apple's in my research, though certainly still imperfect.