e.w. niedermeyer

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e.w. niedermeyer


this gentle soul, cyberbullying elon musk since 2015, author of "ludicrous:the unvarnished story of tesla motors" (2019), and cohost of the autonocast
still mad about this
ok I'm not mad about software for bicycles anymore, now I'm mad about software for shoes
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
the romans taught the importance of mens sana in corpore sano, but if rotting on the internet all day had been an option for them they might have chosen differently
god sends her dankest posts to her cringeiest millennials
“They grew a square patch of millimetre high green and called it nature” - Tacitus
"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done."
happy weekend, shout out everyone living that yardwork life
get in loser we’re uh well that’s unclear at moment but get in
Model Dondi Penn in an MG with a chimpanzee - Bunny Yeager, 1959.
good morning, you know we live in cursed times because "software for bicycles" is a thing
software for cars is terrible, but software for bicycles is much, much worse
really hoping that buying the entire Sandman box set and enjoying the hell out of my first exposure to Neil Gaiman's work in 2024 was my most Charlie Brown move of the year
In case you're wondering, here is the donation record of "stalwart democratic fundraiser" Ari Emanuel's Endeavor PAC from 2018 to 2024. www.opensecrets.org/political-ac...
FYI: Ari Emanuel is also best pals with Elon Musk. He's the guy hosing down a pasty, bloated Elon on his yacht in those horrifying pictures from two summers ago. Maybe that context matters to you, maybe it doesn't, just putting it out there.
ok no fooling he just lost the brother of the former chief of staff of the administration he was VP for. donezo
All right, Bluesky — who here has purchased a vehicle from a defunct (or currently going defunct/at-risk) company? Got (or had) a Fisker, Lordstown or a different car from a company that's gone kaput? I want to talk to you: [email protected]
please don't call it "rawdogging" unless it's from the chien cru region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling dissociation
Thom Yorke's music got me through a lot of hard times, but his dancing also wildly misguided me with regard to what I might get away with on the dance floor as a white man, so it;s impossible to say if he is good or not
installing gender-affirming angry eyes on my jeep wrangler
If there were a fraction of the anti-EV astroturfing by Big Oil that EV fans take as gospel fact, I'd have been approached at least once by now. In fact, over the last decade the financial incentives for someone like me have been much more aligned around echoing the "s-curve disruption" narrative.
as someone who came up covering the collapse of the US auto industry in 2008, it's impossible to state how jarring this flip has been
I remember talking to middle aged automotive engineers in the 2000’s so it’ll never not be weird to me that “investing in car companies” became a get rich quick thing
Another day of EV discourse is proving that it's one of the topics where Bluesky engages in thoughtful, even-handed debate, whereas Threads is full of triggered EV fanatics screaming "FAKE NEWS" at any suggestion that broad adoption faces any kind of challenges. I would not have predicted this tbh!
This survey on EV adoption in Canada seems a lot less dire than the McKinsey numbers. 82% of current EV/PHEV owners who know what vehicle they will buy next are getting another plug-in. Plus: 3/4s of EV owners have home charging access, and EV owners also weirdly road trip more? Interesting stuff.
I think this gets its exactly right. Tesla's "big battery plus fast chargers on freeway" model bootstrapped EV demand, but the next wave of adoption requires both policy and sales narrative to emphasize home charging. This centers the EV's superpower (a full tank every morning), not its shortcomings
There are two camps here: One understands what basic-ass AC charging can do and that overnight charging takes care of all local needs full stop. That's me, wishing we focused on this. The other imagines EVs getting used like ICE vehicles, and pulls the trigger assuming this makes sense.
Just yesterday I recorded an incredible conversation with the archivist from Ford, formerly of Coca-Cola, about the history of fueling infrastructure in this country and let me just say... when you listen to that conversation, you'll understand why we haven't cracked the code on EV charging yet.
Holy shit: McKinsey study finds that 46% of US EV drivers are likely to switch back to internal combustion, and cite lack of charging infrastructure as top reason. Globally some 29% are considering going back to gas. If this is remotely accurate, buckle up! www.businessinsider.com/ev-charging-...
EV charging is so bleak in the US that 46% of owners are considering going back to gas-powered carswww.businessinsider.com Nearly half of EV owners in the US are considering switching back to a gas-powered car, with a majority citing charging as the reason.
I normally wouldn't bother sharing a story based on a survey of 7,500 NY Times readers, but in this specific case I'd say it's probably a pretty well-selected bellwether. Elon Musk's Politics May Be Pushing Some Buyers Away From Tesla [GIFT LINK🎁] www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/b...
Elon Musk’s Politics May Be Pushing Some Buyers Away From Teslawww.nytimes.com The Tesla chief executive’s polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
Looks like bankruptcy court has established the ceiling price for Fisker Oceans at $14,000, right in line with my prediction that it wouldn't exceed the teens. Meanwhile the no reserve Bring A Trailer auction has hit $5,000. The base MSRP for these cars was supposed to be $38,999.
very curious to find out what people will pay for a low-mileage EV from a bankrupt startup! current bid is a saucy $2,000 and considering you can get a used Tesla or Polestar from Hertz in the 20s I'm guessing this Fisker never leaves the teens
Elon Musk already ran the dress rehearsal for this, by creating the reality-distorting misinformation machine that has made Tesla one of the most valuable companies in the world. If you don't think this risk is real, you aren't paying attention.
“Generative AI could ‘distort collective understanding of socio-political reality or scientific consensus,’ and in many cases is already doing that,’” according to a new research paper from Google’s own DeepMind lab.
Google Says AI Could Break Realitywww.404media.co “While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”