Hannah is resting 🟡

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Hannah is resting 🟡


Permanently unusually disabled.

But Here We Are. Stay Kind.




pfp: Me in a lofi girl costume, scribbling in a notebook, a black cat rolling on her back

banner: "Pride Is A Riot" on a scarf on the wall
One of these days I'm going to write a blog post on help and care, and the number one thing I'm going to highlight for people who haven't needed care before is: "Let me know if you need anything! / Just ask if you need help with anything!" (or similar) is always, always, worthless.
I have said to so many people and so few have heard me, or at least acted on it, that the reason this tumor did so well is it 1st thing took out my ability to seek care. I still can't. I need care offered but people kept saying they loved me and I should poke them if I needed anything. I can't.
I was reasonably supported at that level at least, if I asked specific people they'd either do it or find someone who would
I've been greatly under eating for months and my stomach has shrunk I have full-time care today til ? I can say this now because I'm no longer asking for help, just giving an account of events This is not just cancer, but 20 years of gender dysphoria driven suicidality. I was never worth helping
I've told people this very directly and it rarely seems to be heard. It took a 5 days (so far) long self harm crisis for more than a few people to check in with me regularly. Today could very well be a turning point. "Caretaker" is moved out and locked out, though still on the lease.
capitalists, but poor, basically She called herself a commie and was a union organizer. Covered her water bottle in my queer and leftist stickers. She even flew a 🇵🇸 at work when and where* that was brave and controversial. And yet all this. *A Progressive Democrat's campaign
I've told people this very directly and it rarely seems to be heard. It took a 5 days (so far) long self harm crisis for more than a few people to check in with me regularly. Today could very well be a turning point. "Caretaker" is moved out and locked out, though still on the lease.
I have said to so many people and so few have heard me, or at least acted on it, that the reason this tumor did so well is it 1st thing took out my ability to seek care. I still can't. I need care offered but people kept saying they loved me and I should poke them if I needed anything. I can't.
I have said to so many people and so few have heard me, or at least acted on it, that the reason this tumor did so well is it 1st thing took out my ability to seek care. I still can't. I need care offered but people kept saying they loved me and I should poke them if I needed anything. I can't.
When I did manage to ask my community for help it was always an emergency, and people mostly assume that someone else will handle that and I get no help and trying again gets harder
She's still on the lease. She's refusing to sign it until we reimburse a further $140 and we replace a few things that have gone missing, another $170 or so. She's getting it because it's easier for us to do that than fight. It fucking sucks.
She was a "comrade" working 70hr weeks for a Dem in a primary. I frequently didn't eat for a day because she was too busy to take me grocery shopping. I asked for 5 minutes of her time every morning to prompt me to just *start* important medical calls. She did it twice. Surgery was delayed weeks.
The "caretaker" that's been neglecting me and stealing from my parents (out of the retirement fund keeping me alive) is finally moved out. I'm so tired but it feels like things can finally start to move forward again
After losing the primary she crashed and then left for Texas with a day's notice on a one way ticket with no return date. Four days later was my craniotomy. My parents cared for me through initial recovery and had to vchat drag her back. She came back and did nothing 13-18 days post-op, not even msg
She didn't steal that much overall because we caught it, but it was ongoing and she was spending it on $100 lotions and clothes. I went through a bunch of receipts for shopping trips she was reimbursed for and she was buying tons of stuff for her self. Such as a $30 piece of fish I'm allergic to.
Oh absolutely. I hate Google for so many reasons, but their OCR API was way better than anything else I've found, though my last real search was 2 years ago. It lets me do things like 2d-ocr.glitch.me when the text is laid out in tables, comics, memes, etc
I want to provide two tools for that: - Split doc image/extracted text, divided to fit in the alt text length limit. Currently working w/ someone on a proof of concept, hopefully public soon - Split text by length and provide localized "Additional Alt Text 2/6" images. ⬇️ does this, can be better…
Alt Text Suitemy.alt-text.org Built For Building Image Descriptions
If you write alt text, I'd love to hear what tools could make it easier So far I'm thinking/working on - library of previous alt, searchable by image - OCR w/ image splitting to fit alt - OCR for complex text layout e.g. comics - AI descriptions of components of image - Color name lookup Past WIP:
Alt Text Suitemy.alt-text.org Built For Building Image Descriptions
This can be a question for everyone for whom a *disability* interferes with their writing alt text. What makes it difficult or impossible for you? Replies here (not the quoted) or in DMs welcome. If you feel limited by things *other* than disability, I want to help but please let this be about it.
Hi there, I've been building tools trying to make alt text things easier for a few years, and lately especially thinking about what could make writing it more accessible. If you're open to talking what about is hard in DMs, I'd love to understand better. In progress, stalled by my brain cancer:
Alt Text Suitemy.alt-text.org Built For Building Image Descriptions
It's so hugely frustrating, and I think she thinks she's a good person.
The "caretaker" that's been neglecting me and stealing from my parents (out of the retirement fund keeping me alive) is finally moved out. I'm so tired but it feels like things can finally start to move forward again
The Transistor and All Cats Are Beautiful I forgot I ordered these, I think just after surgery? Gold foil and pink 😍
The Transistor and All Cats Are Beautiful I forgot I ordered these, I think just after surgery? Gold foil and pink 😍
I guess my problem is that I consider things like the extrajudicial murder of marginalized communities at the hands of the police "political violence".
There was no part of my life pre egg crack as gender dysphoric as hanging out with The Guys. Few things felt as gross to me as trying to copy them to fit in. I was bad at Masculinity, The Guys were judgemental, and I was filled with utter self disgust for my tries. Very few patterns took any hold.
male socialization? yeah I remember being alone and bullied for being feminine and liked to hang out with girls, and I especially remember never feeling comfortable when "boys were being boys" and yeag
In. Deed. "Walk a mile in their shoes" says "what would someone with your experiences do in their situation?" It's not useless, but it's not the first question to ask. If people are doing something I disagree with I try to understand why.
Wittgenstein proves that we can't be sure that we mean the same things by signifiers, and every person's qualia is built in the unique process of their lived experiences around that signifier. There's so much miscommunication and division because of it. It's an issue I've wanted to write on.
I talk a lot about being goal oriented. I see the normalization and standardization of types of communication and interaction that work against the stated goals of those participating, almost always with damage to solidarity and community. Trans folk are being expected to back down 1st and I object.
Yup. I never escalate. It's against my values. If someone responds to me offering cooperation with contempt they get muted, but usually they just block me. Disagreement tolerance, to some degree, is always going to be necessary for community to exist. There can be no anarchism, only anarchists.
Yup. I never escalate. It's against my values. If someone responds to me offering cooperation with contempt they get muted, but usually they just block me. Disagreement tolerance, to some degree, is always going to be necessary for community to exist. There can be no anarchism, only anarchists.
There's a harmful escalation pattern on bluesky that many fall into. It's incredibly normalized to focus entirely on disagreement and then to default to escalation when posting about it
I have so many ideas for cool AF things and also I had a 2.5in brain tumor that ate my memory, focus, and executive function removed a month and a half ago and have been abused by my "caretaker" since, so haven't exactly gotten around to building them
Someone else mentioned something similar, and I want to make an OS level tool to tap or click and get suggestions on color name including choosing between like "emerald" or "green", with built in audio presentation. I have designs for the internals in my head.
Oof yeah. my.alt-text.org has a working tool for that but the whole thing is half finished and hard to use. It does OCR but using a more simple but free and local system so not as useful. that's definitely on my list
Alt Text Suitemy.alt-text.org Built For Building Image Descriptions