Jason (he/him)

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Jason (he/him)


He/Him. 18+. I like to draw and create, and I like to talk a lot.
Check out my ongoing comic at www.moongazing.ca if you like silly sci-fi adventures and/or Jenny Everywhere.
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took me just 30 seconds to check my voter registration. you never know when a republican is going to strike you from the rolls for “reasons” www.vote.gov
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there's still time to call your senators before this vote today!!
Let's try this again. It took me 15 min to call both my Senators *and* my House rep to ask them all to vote NO on the egregious KOSA bill. Bill # S.1409 in the Senate HR 7891 in the House I promise you, even as an anxious millennial, the calls were easy! senate.gov / house.gov to find your reps!
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
! All, largely offline today because of work, but Schumer is planning on moving on KOSA this week with a floor vote: punchbowl.news/archive/7232... Remember, this bill isn't good news. Please call your Senators - script in next post.
And it's not my country so I'll try not to partake myself but by GOSH I bet everyone is watching Vance right now. Just waiting for his face to betray any tiny evidence that he's aware of how ridiculous Trump is. To sit that close to him and constantly display only the most appropriate expression.
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Remember, when it comes to cons it’s not just the people attending who are put at risk by the gathering. It’s the staff in the building, their families, and everyone participants come in contact with during and after the conference. V worth masking for a few days!
Hard to ask this bc of hostility around precautions and I want to note upfront that I know when you’re working a con there’s a lot of work/social pressure—but if you’re attending SDCC please, please wear a mask as much as you can. COVID levels are high, we are fully in a surge right now
Lol what? Anyone else get a BS response like this? They take from May 26 to now to respond, and I have seconds? No. No, Blizz, that's not how this works. I let you know as a *courtesy* so you can get on the ball and fix it and *maybe* get my business in future. Fix your shit.
If you reply within 26 seconds, we may consider fixing this issue!
I know this was probably shared where I could see it for its value as an art resource/reference, but right now it mainly just makes me feel SO much better about my redstone.
found a facebook group filled with nothing but high contrast photos of japanese industrial parks
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
Reminder: If you are a US citizen age 18 or over, today is a very good day to register to vote, or (if you believe you are registered) to make sure your registration is still in effect. Not sure how to do either? www.vote.org has you covered.
Everything You Need to Vote - Vote.orgwww.vote.org Register to vote. Check your registration status. Get your absentee ballot. Fast, free, easy, secure, nonpartisan.
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cis friends, do me a favor. 💜 if you see trans folks talking about this, be kind. be understanding. allow people in our community to discuss it and to feel the hurt it causes. tell us you'll do your part to put pressure in the right places to keep these things from happening.
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So you might have long covid now, a thread
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A periodic reminder that if you are an indie comic book creator, Blambot's Indie Font free usage policy applies to YOU! blambot.com/pages/licenses
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Happy Friday! Read my ongoing webcomic, My Kiwi Crush! A slice of life, LGBTQ+ positive romance story that may or may not have a werewolf in it idunno 👀 🌿 🐺 www.tapas.io/series/MyKiwiCrush
Having *just* done this: I see something that I think I can add to, and by the time I've posted it, I see one or more others also did. TBH it feels exactly like figuring out when to talk in a group. I'm going to wait, and see if someone else says the thing? Jump in and talk over someone else?
I saw a post going around about how having a big account begets a lot of people explaining things at you regardless of whether someone else has already done it, and I get how that can be frustrating, but I also don’t find it unmanageable.
Youngest just turned on Glitter Force and my brain began to try to map that cast against the Bubblegum Crisis cast. Erm.
So, is there a pool on how long Trump will wear the ear-pillow? I have $10 on "Never stops".
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
I really cannot emphasize enough how everyone should stop posting there
Elon Musk has rapidly turned Twitter into a pro-Trump campaign engine. - Icon of Trump after his assassination attempt on the MAGA hashtag (hat tip to @parkermolloy.com) - Unremovable Trump 2024 hashtag at the top of the trending topics list - Unremovable Trump campaign ads on the Explore tab
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Hot take but virtually nothing in life is a pure 0 or 1 binary. Not gender. Not biological sex. Not race. Not culture. Not in humans, not in nature, no where. It's spectrums all the way down.
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
To respond to what is becoming a frequently-asked question, a note from Dark Horse regarding AI-generated material:
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
That said, individual creators of Jenny Everywhere media retain copyright to their works. So, for example, this MY Muppet-style Jenny Everywhere.
Just FYI: The character of Jenny Everywhere is available for use by anyone, with only one condition: This paragraph must be included in any publication involving Jenny Everywhere, that others might use this property as they wish. All rights reversed.
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The President of the United States has COVID. He has access to far-UVC, filtered air & dozens of other preventatives to avoid infection that are completely out of reach to the general public. But he doesn't mask. As long as COVID exists, we're ALL signing up for endless infections unless we mask up.
*Attenburrow (sp?) voice* Note the conspicuous use of "still" in this communication. to the observant... observer it shows a strong awareness of their surrounding environment, as well as an advanced application of the concept of 'family' to include many other people, even ones they do not know.
I dunno, dudes—maybe COVID isn't over after all and we should still be taking precautions…? 😬💉😷
Reposted byAvatar Jason (he/him)
I dunno, dudes—maybe COVID isn't over after all and we should still be taking precautions…? 😬💉😷