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I sure did not have "Harlan Crow paid for a yacht and private helicopter trip for Clarence Thomas to visit a palace in Vladimir Putin's hometown" on my bingo card, but in hindsight, why the hell not. www.thedailybeast.com/clarence-tho...
Clarence Thomas Gifted Luxe Trip to Putin’s Hometown: Demswww.thedailybeast.com The allegedly secret gifts were disclosed in a letter from two Democratic senators that accused Thomas of potentially committing tax fraud.
BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
SCOTUS votes 6-3 that Le Pen gets to be President of France
And now for the traditional July 4th blessing: Happy Independence Day, may you end the day with as many fingers as you began it with.
Congratulations to @bsky.app, which just passed the six million users mark. That's roughly the size of the population of the great state of Maryland. Please have some cake (crab OR Smith Island, or both!) to celebrate!
I'm with Barry Diller. It's a complete scam. I feel bad for the fools who support the bible selling carnival barker. Just kidding, I don't feel bad. The world needs fools.
The Boring Company’s one dumb tunnel under Vegas that shuttles tourists back and forth in Teslas at 40 mph is full of toxic sludge that burns and permanently scars anyone who touches it.
Elon Musk’s Tunnel Reportedly Oozing With Skin-Burning Chemical Sludgefuturism.com Elon Musk's Boring Company has only built a few miles of tunnel underneath Vegas — but those tunnels have taken a toxic toll.
It's a very good song, although I admit to bias. youtu.be/xQIuapbeh0I?...
Saw Jonathan Coulton tonight (he’s as delightful as ever) and he played a song called “Red Shirt” which was apparently the theme song to @scalzi.com ‘s novel “Redshirts.” As a big fan of both Coulton and the novel in question, I was amazed and disappointed that I hadn’t known the song existed.
New original song by Jonathan Coulton - "Redshirt"youtu.be Jonathan Coulton reveals a brand new song, "Redshirt," inspired by the John Scalzi novel of the same name. You can read about the origin of the song on Journ...
It would be a bigger story if Trump DIDN'T have syphilis.
Biden should constantly mock Donald Trump for deducting $70,000 a year off his taxes for a hairdresser. Two decades ago, John Kerry paid $150 for a haircut and it was a national story for a month.
Pro-life means making women beg to remove the corpses from their bodies
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky woman seeking court approval for abortion learned her embryo no longer has cardiac activity, attorneys say.
Not sure how he ended up on "blackmail" either. It's straight market forces if you decide to not buy someone's product because the value (or anti-value in this case) is not worth the cost. You'd think all these cheerleaders for unfettered capitalism would understand that.
The Infernal Regions are burning a little hotter tonight.
It's hilarious that Trump asked the judge to recuse herself because she donated to a get-out-the-vote organization: "Hey Judge, I tried to stop people's votes from counting by staging a coup and here you are donating to a group that helps people vote! That is clearly grounds for recusal."
It's funny the way MAGA stifles GOP candidates. Trump can't mention vaccines even though his one "accomplishment" as POTUS was Operation Warp Speed, and Pence couldn't mention Donald tried to kill him. If I was Pence, I never would've shut up about that failed murder attempt.
I think the GOP likes it when Americans get gunned down in mass shootings. It keeps people fearful, and Republicans are all about that, whether it be fear of "caravans," fear of books, fear of science, fear of history. That's why the GOP refuses to stop the slaughter.
This is a galaxy brain take, but I feel like GW Bush deserves a tiny bit more blame for the current situation in Gaza. His decision to force an election in Palestine and subsequent refusal to allow Hamas to take control of the PA gave Hamas more power with less responsibility.
Democracy dies in 12,000-word beat sweetners that don't mention the death threats, not even against one's own colleagues and their wives. www.washingtonpost.com/politics/int...
I don’t think interviewing Trump is always a bad idea. But treating him as anything other than a depraved authoritarian helps his cause by legitimizing him as a reasonable choice for voters. You can't go in hoping to get along. And that's what Welker did.
How not to interview Trumpwww.publicnotice.co Kristen Welker's tenure as "Meet the Press" moderator got off to an inauspicious start.
Trump today: “Biden did a lousy job with COVID. We handed him over a great situation and a lot of stupid decisions were made.” 😂🤣😅 Trump probably would've won in 2020 had he simply responded to COVID in a minimally-competent fashion.
People said we were being alarmist when we said extremist Christian nationalists would use the abortion laws to target women trying to escape Texas to receive an abortion.