
STOP DRIVING IN BOSTON Roads were meant to be designed by people not cows Intersections should be 2 roads not 5 roads You should be able to drive a street more than 2 blocks w/o turning right and then left to stay on “Get in the left lane to take the right exit” - actual instructions from a GPS
Going clockwise round the block should not take 7 turns What does a green right turn signal mean when there are 3 possible right turns ahead They have played us for absolute fools
I’d come and say hi but I’m only here briefly and every single neighborhood looks exactly the same
I am still scarred by the GPS that said something like “turn left on third” but there were THREE lefts and none of them were labeled beyond a single vague sign claiming one went towards a park
Sorry. Road signs are unnecessary concessions to tourists, yellow means speed up, pedestrians and cars go by who got there first not “lights,” it’s fine to play chicken with the T, if you don’t like it you can leave
I tell myself this was designed this way to deter invasion again by the British
The two cities the British burned during the War of 1812 (Buffalo and DC) also both have grid plans designed by L’Enfant, coincidence?
For some reason I read that in Denis Leary's voice.
Was here for the first time in almost 20 years and it’s insanity. Never again.