Glenn Hauman

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Glenn Hauman

Very tall. Very frazzled. Probably very late. he/him/heybigguy
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We here at The Doctor Demento Show would like to express our sincerest apologies for today's program. When we invited Tom Lehrer on the show, it was in hopes of having a frank and honest exchange of ideas about local avian fauna. The last thing we would condone is hate speech, and as such, his comme
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it's not that he's changed his mind about trump, really. it's more that he's changed his mind about hitler.
I get that he’s taken it all back, including when he said he feared Trump would be America’s Hitler, but I guess my position is… I have never gone to work for someone I’ve ever in any point in my life compared directly to Adolf Hitler… and it’s a fair question…
Trump Taps J.D. Vance as Running Donald Trump announced on Truth Social that he has selected Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate.
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His followers definitely want to unite the nation. The problem is they've figured out nobody's going to willingly agree with them on anything so they'll just have to unite us by any means necessary for our own good. Dissenters will be dealt with, if that's not already clear.
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The number of people Trump says he'll deport keeps going up. It's now 20 million, 50% higher than the largest estimates of the undocumented population. It's clear sign that distinguishing legal from illegal won't be a priority. They're just going to round up people they don't want to be here.
“What did he say?” “He said the President’s near!”
Also lost in the last few months: we appear to have an effective AIDS vaccine.
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On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
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Reporters at the rally all said the crowd was thoroughly screened for firearms (and boy is the RNC gonna be interesting: they legally can't prohibit firearms due to state law)
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Has anyone asked the Republican candidate for governor — the one who recently insisted “some folks need killing” — about political violence?
You talked about all the gadgets in a tone that suggested to me that they had an unfair advantage in breaking the record. Perhaps I misunderstood your intent, if so I apologize.
No, it just seems silly bringing rules into an illegal and unsanctioned race. Every era had advantages and disadvantages, every run attempt has x-factors that knocked people out of contention, and it’s always been cops vs. speeders in every way imaginable.
October 2021 wasn’t even close to full lockdown era.
Yeah, so? Complain to the referees.
Signal boosting.
Are you an enterprising law student with a demonstrated interest in First Amendment law and tech policy? If not, do you know one? I'm hiring a legal intern for the fall semester to work on free speech, platform/intermediary liability, and artificial intelligence:
We’re Hiring: Free Speech & Tech Legal
“Nothing valid to say” is almost funny for someone who doesn’t have the courage to say who gets your support. (Probably from Canada, you wouldn’t know them.) Go suck your thumb and play with your genitalia somewhere else. The grownups are busy.
You know the weekend I’ve had and why my tolerance for magical thinking is gone, and Piñata Person keeps preferring punishment and persecution to prove his pretend piety. The sillier his argument, the more people that vote against him to fight his dumb. “When in doubt, vote against.”-RAHeinlein
Aw, poor little chickenshit can’t even say it, afraid that people will laugh even harder at your magnificent magical thinking…
“The longer I can go without naming anyone, the longer I can pretend I’m serious and pure and righteous!” You spoiled child. Grow up.
And who are you voting for? Show the country who the pure choice is! Shout it from the rooftops— who’s pure enough for Ace?
You don’t even have anyone to vote for? Politics can be distasteful, but if you don’t do politics, politics will be done to you. And I admire your arrogant delusion that 95%+ of the country is brainwashed and really wants what the voices in your head want. Go. We’ll clean up. God knows you won’t.
REALLY??? 160 million+ voted, and they didn’t pick what you want. Boy, that must burn you up… Heck, you haven’t even said who you’re voting for in 2024. Who’s your savior?
My fellow in Christ, WE ALREADY KNEW. And we’re STILL voting for harm reduction. What are YOU voting for? Purity? Vanity? What is the principle that lets you ignore the extra damage you are exposing the world to? Because if Trump gets back in and you did nothing, you’re complicit in HIS genocide.
If you have a way to get 80 million people to think like you in the next 120 days, you’re being awfully reluctant to tell us after we keep asking you. So you’re going to eat shit like the rest of us. And apparently you don’t care how much shit you eat, because you’re doing nothing to reduce it.
Oh, we’re both choosing. Difference is I know I’m voting for less shit, while your piety means we have more shit to deal with and you won’t do a thing about it, and you don’t think anyone will blame you if Trump gets back in.
Yes, and because of YOU and yours, we’re going to have to clean up more shit. So if you don’t mind, we’re going to get to work cleaning up the shit that you’re sticking us with. Thanks heaps.
Two year olds can tell the differences between a small pile of shit and a big pile of shit. (One difference: small piles are easier to clean up.) I’m amazed that you can’t.
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BREAKING: Upside side down French flag spotted outside the Alitos' summer residence
I know what we’re going to get next time: Biden or Trump. Apparently, you STILL don’t know that. One of them will be far worse than the other. Apparently, you don’t know THAT either. And when you don’t know those most basic political facts, why should anyone listen to what else you have to say?
And you claim you can’t tell the difference as to who’s better or worse, you have no plan to change it, and you’re proud of it. Geez, at least the French and British form coalitions against the far right. Good luck finding your unicorn in your camp.
Is Trump a better option? Yes or no.