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beardo daywalker constantly looking for new souls to acquire | nazis are for punching

Interests include (in no particular order):
shitposting, soccer, snowboarding, shenanigans in motor vehicles, spatial analysis

Block any followers w/ AI in your profile
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
If you’ve never seen Dorothea Lange’s photographs of the World War II internment camps and the Japanese-Americans who were imprisoned there, today is a good day to see them and to commit to making sure this never happens again. anchoreditions.com/blog/dorothe...
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Way too many church ladies took way too many mace attacks, dog bites, and full-force firehoses to the face for me to ever NOT vote, honestly.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Looks like someone chose DRIVE WITH SATAN
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
As part of an official televised event to raise awareness for unhoused issues, sleep outside in public in Grants Pass, Oregon.
Okay, folks, who is putting together the list of the funniest crimes that Biden should be committing between now and election day to highlight the absurdity of today's immunity ruling? Not the stuff like assassinations. Just stuff to make a point.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
the "requests" folder of the Hawk Tuah girl's Instagram DMs must be among the most rancid places on the internet. any time an attractive woman indicates she likes having sex a certain kind of man shoots steam from his ears, but if she has a southern accent? Siri play Toby Keith! Siri open Instagram!
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
banner day for blocking shitty reply guys
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
PSA: if you're talking about doing actual political violence on social media in public, you are a dangerously ignorant twerp who lacks the situational awareness required to do anything useful for anyone.
What's the current "go-to" tech site for wrapping your head around current offerings in the personal computing space? I need to read up on all the different things get done differently now before I forget for another 5-10 years.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
frankly, the first defeat that we can hand them, in November, is the easiest possible one we are going to be offered, and we'd be fools not to make it happen.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
there's a certain combination of preachiness and pedantry that wouldn't make people feel so damn superior if they really realized how it shapes their community, and there is definitely more of it here than I would like
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
If I were a political advisor and was doing some debate prep. I'd tell Biden to expect this and reply with: "As I've stated, no I will not pardon my son. I will promise now to pardon my opponent of any federal charges he is convicted on provided he stops fucking about and gets to trial"
Already made this prediction but making it again to be official: CNN moderators will press Biden on the hypothetical that he will pardon or commute Hunter Biden's sentence, and they will not ask Trump about any of his pardons of Roger Stone, Paul Manafort etc that actually happened.
The driver of this NWNatural truck took offense to me taking a photo of his parking job.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
I tried! it's one of the few universal traditions we have left that everyone can agree on
BIG BOAT STUCK everyone gets the rest of the day off, that's the rules
An 11am meeting was added to my calendar. It's for a thing I didn't do, where the principal stake holders were both out of office at the same time and ignored a long email chain with the what & why, and they expect changes that are impossible. I'm going to have fun explaining "no" ad nauseam.
I know we all like to use the term "gong show" to describe hellish situations, but if it really was a Gong Show it would be really easy to make it stop.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Also the associated other lesson: people can just dislike you it's fine, it doesn't have to mean anything.
I think a lot of interpersonal conflict specifically in internet spaces also comes from the discomfort of just disliking people. But it’s very normal to dislike people. It’s natural and it is not something you need to examine for it’s morality.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
I'm going to say this as plainly and simply as I can: If you're going to question people's dedication to a cause because they disagree with you about the effectiveness of one aspect of one tactic you are trying to use, you need to go fuck yourself. Vigorously, and unto the seventh generation.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella
Reminder: Fascism rose partly as a result of the 1918 pandemic. Do not stay silent about the attempts to ban masks and protests.
I didn’t see the giraffe laces at first. They’re even better now.
To go along with the other random things I acquired this past weekend. The Ross in Redmond, OR had an impressive shoe selection and I grabbed these Fairdale BMX X Vans Old Schools.
Reposted byAvatar DaBella