Cath RN, PhD

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Cath RN, PhD

Science, art, politics, sarcasm. Deipnosophist.
Aaaand here comes the Birtherism.
Told ya they’re going to try to pull a Comey. And don’t they already have Biden’s bank stuff? But, Dr. Comer Pyle wants to kno why they didn’t give Biden a cognitive test. Dr. Pyle forgot u MoCA to see if a person needs more tests/interventions for dementia. IOW- if u 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 dementia 1st MoCA.
Cry more, you bitchass nazi loser.
I love this baby right here and thinking about getting one-
To make it even worse, Yashar went on to accuse Ted Lieu of denying the WaPo report that Lieu advocated for Biden to drop his reelection bid. Remember the reporters that lied, got corrected by others, including the original source, Ted Lieu saying it’s false, & never apologized for lying. Whew!
May I present Mar- a- Lago Press Secretary, and Elon’s litter box mate, Catturd:
Lmao. Jasmine Crockett should add “Barbecued Brain” to her “bleach blonde bad-built butch body” repertoire.
MSM can totally ignore he’s an insane, puss filled vitriolic bagpipe. What they can do is use this post, and ask if his comments constitute what will make America great again? Or, is something going on with him that he feels the need to constantly degrade others? I wouldn’t hold my breath tho.
My favorite:
This is probably the undefeated champion of the genre.
No. It’s not. It’s been debunked over and over. Sheesh.
She’s not “gone racist”- it’s that you have no reading comprehension skills.
His Super PAC is running ads promoting project 2025, & they’re outright advertising it “Trump’s Project 2025” so we know he absolutely fucking knows about it. His malignant narcissism wouldn’t ignore anything with his name on it. Here are TFG’s aides that are responsible for writing some of it.
“At least five of Kaitlan Collins’ Daily Caller bylines tied to potentially embarrassing click-bait stories appear to have been erased.” Ohhh look! They’re whitewashing her reputation to erase the fact she’s just a trashy entertainment gossip columnist who wrote for RWNJ media outlets. 🙄
TFG gives an oral book report on a book he’s never read.
Translation: 𝐃 idn’t 𝐄 arn 𝐈 t Gasparino, a lying, racist piece of slimy horse dung, once put that he was a Pulitzer Prize nominee in his Fox News bio- and they made him take it off because it wasn’t true.
I smile when Collins smugly posts, not fact checking that Warner was going to run for the Dem nomination for prez in 2008, but dropped out because it was said he was unlikely to get it. Biden’s 💯 right. This CNN pissflap hasn’t said a peep on the Epstein transcripts of TFG raping underage girls.
Dems asking Biden to step down: -Lloyd Doggett (TX) 77 yrs old -James Carville (LMAO) 79 -Rep. Raúl Grijalva (AZ) 76 yrs old -Former Rep. Ryan (Ohio) Ran for prez 2020 -Julián Castro (TX) Also ran for prez 2020 -A. Frisch (CO) running against Boobert, against student loan forgiveness I’ll 🛑 cuz
Republicans don’t beat down on their own for being too old. Here’s 90 year old Chuck with his wife. He’s wasn’t too old to help orchestrate a coup, was he?
Happy Birthday Frida. “What I wanted to express very clearly and intensely was that the reason these people had to invent or imagine heroes and gods is pure fear. Fear of life and fear of death.” Frida Kahlo
CNN/Fox/NY Post latest is Biden may have Parkinson’s by suddenly using WH visitor logs & seeing Dr. Ken Cannard’s name posted a few times. He’s a neurologist & specialist in pharmacology at Walter Reed. I remember when TFG was cited as being a nat’l security threat for withholding visitor logs.
Good morning ☕️ MSM’s ignoring the Epstein docs involving TFG raping minors & his 🛬 parked next to 🇷🇺& 🇸🇦 🛬 for days, while RFK remarks abt eating dog & instead focuses on Biden's debate performance. I took time to show ppl they’re being manipulated to disregard the truth, much to TFG’s delight.