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Dad, cyclist, professional curmudgeon. Union member.
Be the person your dog thinks you are.
Take the shot.
Taking care of my sister in laws dog today. Went for a walk and saw this burro and her daughter. Another good day.
Well it looks like tomorrow I will be having 4 chili dogs from der Wienersnichel. National hot dog day. MMMMM.
I am having trouble posting tonight. That 4 oz of Stranahans whiskey is giving me problems. I really should shut up. If I place my fingers in the wrong spot it is sllgivke ip.
Niki Haley said some voters do not agree with TFG 100% of the time. Well, no shit. Some voters have half a brain or more. Those voters do not have an R before their name.
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Donnie is really lucky that the folks who I have trained in the Ukraine were not on that roof this weekend. There is no love for that fool over there.
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👋Good to see you sis💙✌️
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Watching Pres. Biden on his interview tonight. Who in this election is more prepared to lead tis nation? Who has a second in command that is more qualified than V.P. Harris? I say no one whom has come forward. Give us a REAL alternative and we will talk. Until then STFU.
My water Wednesday photo. Last winter in NYC
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Just an FYI not that it matters but I will no longer follow just anyone back and will block all that follow me that don’t have the interests and cause for being here that I do. If Bluesky doesn’t want to make a soft block than I don’t need 30 or more anime accounts in another language following me.
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Every time you encounter a store clerk, ask if they're registered to vote!
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If a Democrat up for election wants President Joe Biden to step aside , state your position to be elected to President. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. We will elect the best person for this position. Today, that is Joe Biden. If you follow the news media rhetoric, you are misinformed. Vote Blue.
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Trump will be defeated. Everyone needs to pitch in every way we can. The fascists are a MINORITY. Media is exaggerating their power. Don’t fall for it. United, we will take them down.
I am posting way too much today. It could be the really good Wellers whiskey. Or that two of the folks I have trained in Ukraine have killed seven Russian officers THIS WEEK. And they were the ladies. Good job. I have yet to hear from the gentlemen.
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🤷🏼‍♂️ I actually do like asking MAGAts if they think convicted felons should be able to vote (they ALWAYS say "no") and then sucker-punch them with the "Then should a convicted felon allowed to be President?" follow-up. It's entertaining as hell. You should try it. Five stars on Yelp. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I want to add my voice to the "Make your bed when you get up" cabal. It has been part of my life for 60+ years. You get thing done all day if you make your bed when you get up.
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Hey, President Joe Biden. Do not, I repeat, do not listen to all the talking heads asking for you to step aside at this, the last minute. We The People know that the single way forward today, is for you to stay the course. We will vote for you like our lives and fortunes depend on it. We vote.
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VOTE💙so these PATRIOTS did not die in vain!!!
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Marine Le Pen and her right wing National Rally Party accepted the results of the French election as legitimate. No fuss. No big lie. No threats of insurrection. Just adults adulting. You hear that MAGA? - You fkng morons. -Guy Fawkes News
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In today's TDF, Cavendish fell off the back with a mechanical. He is catching up at 75KPM behind the team car. Think about peddling at 75kpm (46mph). Damn. I hit 75 on a long downhill yesterday. It was way too fast.
Reposted byAvatar Smogsteve
Good Morning All Sane People. 💙🌊💙🌊 Happy Independence Day. Let’s do everything we can to be able to celebrate next year and forever going forward. #VoteBlueSaveOurFreedom
@lilysnothere.bsky.socialMarines, Have a great and safe 4th of July weekend. Enjoy the holiday, take part in the festivities, and always have a plan. Semper Fidelis