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Collecting shiny things.
Take a break from the scroll with chill J-pop song. Lyric video for those who don't speak Japanese. 3% by Sato: youtu.be/dFTvANUJ4RE...
Does that mean we are always looking down our noses at them? We're snobs.
This is your reminder that you don't need more things.
I may need tranquilizers on election night.
Can you believe this Monday morning, everyone's back to work as Secret Service operations experts?
The gods could've tasked Sisyphus instead with trying to pet a cat until no more fur came off its coat.
Reposted byAvatar Headrook
amplify this not unverified reports until we know more
From "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver "Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers..."
I will now have an entire shelf of problematic fantasy authors’ works.
Disappointed. Business Insider of all things has a timeline on the accusations against Gaiman. www.businessinsider.com/the-sandman-...
Neil Gaiman, *63yo, insists that his sexual relationship with his live-in nanny,*23, which started on her first night at his home, was consensual. It’s not the 80’s sir. The power imbalance & her dependency on you for employment & housing, make this at a minimum coercive & far from consensual.
I had to bail on On1 as an alternative to Lightroom. On1 started glitching out and became extremely frustrating to work in.
Just add "Honk if..." to the beginning of this and you'll have my new bumper sticker. (My second number sticker would be "Stop tailgating!")
It's not just that I'm afraid we'll be unable to convince voters Biden isn't too old. It's that I think Biden is too old. I would obviously vote for him over Trump, and I will fight hard to convince every voter to do the same if he stays in as nominee. But the debate was damning new evidence.
I guess what I'm saying is that it's hard to relate to that mindset. It is that cult behavior in that people are so willing to give up their own responsibility of choice to worship someone willing to make all the choices.
The people who think you have to worship one or the other have binary brains. It's hard to imagine that mindset.
Finally saw a Cybertruck IRL and it was like seeing the Oscar Meyer wiener dog car except the driver thinks he's Knight Rider.
Street taco with cilantro is the best.
Me at my most devious: “Come into Castle Greyskull and stand squarely on that rug there. Don’t mind me as I sit upon this throne...”
Let's hear about it anyway
I'd like a little sugah in that tea you just spilled there.
Yes, and this is the best gif I've ever seen
Not really an exaggeration at all.
Oh my God, vote or we’re all dead.
I think you can leave out "In a very surreal move" to every headline these days. Honestly.
Last night while restless in bed, I had to recite to myself this very relevant poem by Wendell Berry: When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be... www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/peace-w...
I would totally sit at your table on the first day of school.
Obviously, he is the thief that stole that hot dog's giant buns.
Cyclops, you're on mute.
That is one flat photographer -- and some mobster pigeons.
I babbled something incoherent during a morning meeting and now that will live with me for days.
And it's a headline in a trash paper. Wow, all around dumpster fire.