Helen Hartstein

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Helen Hartstein


Museums, moors, art, books, crochet, weaving, heritage, walking, Devon, Yorkshire, Cordoba. l work @rammuseum Exeter but views are my own.
New Grant Application: For this application please submit a timeline, a fully completed project, six supporting documents showing that you have already self-financed all of the work the grant would hypothetically support, and 7 letters of support from everyone remotely interested in the subject.
Around 2,200 years ago, the artist Hephaistion left his signature on a mosaic floor in the form of a piece of parchment held down with small drops of wax. This perfect imitation of a sheet of parchment, with one corner curled up, was discovered in one of the palaces at Pergamon.
St Mary's Church, Lastingham. One of my favourite places. In the crypt is the shrine of the Anglo Saxon saint Cedd who set up a monastery here in the 7th Century CE. Also fragments of crosses with Anglo Saxon and Viking decorations. #Yorkshire
The foxgloves seem particularly abundant this year. Cute little bee making the most of this one. #wildflowers #Devon
Bowerman's Nose. Legend is that a witch, disguised as a hare, lured a huntsman and his dogs into a mire and then turned them to stone. The dogs can be seen as a jagged chain of rocks on top of Hound Tor, while the huntsman became the rock formation known as Bowerman's Nose. #Dartmoor #Devon
Hound Tor is one of my favourite tors on Dartmoor. The rock formation is wonderful and exciting to climb. Plus there's also a deserted medieval village to explore. So lucky to have this on my doorstep. #Devon #history #walking
Mossy woods near Dartmeet, Devon. Was feeling a bit weary after a full day at Bovey Craft Fair yesterday, teaching children how to weave, but a walk and picnic on Dartmoor was restorative.
Grimspound. A bronze age village on Dartmoor, Devon. Inside the enclosure are 24 round houses. We sat inside one today and had a picnic thinking of the families who lived there 3500 years ago. #archaeology
I love this comic so much. "But-" MONETIZE YOUR FREE TIME
Aaarghhh! Wordle 1,054 X/6 🟩⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩
Tombstone from the floor of St Petrox Church, Dartmouth. I love exploring the headstones in churches and churchyards. It's like being in a museum. I like imagining the people and their stories. This one really appealed to me. #history
Extremely rare Roman era cataphract horse armour from Dura-Europos, Syria. Dates from around 250 CE. Another standout object in the British Museum's brilliant Legion exhibition. #AncientRome #history #archaeology #museums
Another treasure from the British Museum's Legion exhibition. The only surviving Roman scutum. Made of wood and painted leather. From Syria. #AncientRome #history #archaeology #museums
Roman crocodile skin armour from the British Museum's brilliant Legion exhibition. #AncientRome #history #archaeology
anybody else have no idea what the fuck is going on anymore
Most sheep are electric, you rarely see the coal powered sheep anymore, always a treat
The wonderfully quirky Egyptian House in Penzance, Cornwall. Built in 1835, it was once a museum and geological repository. Now you can stay in it, thanks to The Landmark Trust. #architecture #heritage
Mosaic map in St George's Greek Orthodox Church, Madaba Jordan. Dating from the 6th century CE it is the oldest surviving original cartographic depiction of the Holy Land and Jerusalem. #mosaicmonday #archaeology
Recently returned from a trip to Jordan. A fascinating country with so many wonderful archaeological sites. Visiting Petra was of course a highlight, but Amman, Jerash, Kerak and Madaba all worth a visit. #archaeology #history #ancienthistory
Wistman's Wood on Dartmoor today. One of Britain's last remaining temperate rainforests and a place of beauty. The skylarks were singing and it lifted our spirits. #Devon #Dartmoor
The next RAMM Lates event (26 April) is inspired by Bill Viola's art. Should be an interesting evening of music, talks, making and a chance to see 3 works from Bill Viola's series Passions. #RAMM #Exeter #museums #contemporaryart #film rammuseum.org.uk/whats-on/ram...
RAMM Latesrammuseum.org.uk
Fascinating walk around #Merrivale prehistoric site on #Dartmoor with the wonderfully knowledgeable Jane Marchand of the Dartmoor Preservation Association at the weekend. Stone rows, a stone circle, menhir, cists, cairns and round houses. Bliss! #Devon #archaeology
Combines two of my favourite things - #museums and #crochet
Quality museum shop merchandise.
Wonderful walk in #Devon today, from Brixham to Elberry Cove and Churston Cove. The sky and sea were such an intense blue. Feeling lucky to live in such a beautiful place in the world.
Rather pleased with my latest project. Janie Crow's #SpiritofFlora #crochet