Todd Martin

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Todd Martin

2024 is likely our last chance to save the USA. Vote for democracy above all else.
I am the same, except for I started in 1986. Without shame, I will vote for anybody other than Donald Trump, up to and including the reanimated corpse of Charles Manson.
Look, I've voted in every midterm and presidential election since 1990, the first year I was eligible. I wish there was a president I wanted to vote for this year, but I sure as hell want to vote against Project 2025.
Reposted byAvatar Todd Martin
They’re not “gifts.” They’re bribes. Clarence Thomas took $4 million in bribes from billionaires. Everyone understands this, and yet he still holds a lifetime position as one of the most powerful people in our country. Unrig the Supreme Court.
Reposted byAvatar Todd Martin
Reposted byAvatar Todd Martin
Reposted byAvatar Todd Martin
#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #Politics #Election #History “He’s done everything he can to try to manipulate the process to avoid and block efforts by the Senate to hold the court accountable, to insist that it abide by just commonsense ethical rules that every other court in the country has to follow.”
John Roberts May Be the Worst Chief Justice in Supreme Court Lisa Graves, the host of a new Supreme Court-focused podcast called “Grave Injustice,” joins The New Abnormal to discuss an alternate vision for the high court.
The #Mariners are definitely leading the Rockies in #VCO (Very Close Outs) today. #Analytics
I can't believe the Mariners kept the vomitous City Connect uniforms unchanged. HORRIBLE.
This is my first ever notification on BlueSky. What the Hell have I gotten myself into?
End of feed.