
Gift link of the NYT article about the violent counterprotest at UCLA. It took the police three hours to show up, and then "officers were captured on video standing about 300 feet away from the area for roughly an hour, without stepping in."
How Counterprotesters at U.C.L.A. Provoked Violence, Unchecked for The New York Times used videos filmed by journalists, witnesses and protesters to analyze hours of clashes — and a delayed police response — at a pro-Palestinian encampment on Tuesday.
I am not on team All Cops Are Bad. There are a lot of cops, after all. But this kind of thing is just unconscionable, and should lead to people being fired. I have no idea why no arrests were made on the scene (they were standing around all that time, after all, so they had time to observe.)
I am also baffled by the fact that no arrests of counterprotesters have been made since then, what with all the video floating around.
I am ALSO confused by the university's response. They had security people there (who did nothing.) Surely one of those security people must have let someone in the administration know that this was happening. Did they not call the police for several hours while their students were being beaten?
Or did they call the police? If so, why did they take three hours to put in an appearance? One way or another, heads should roll over this.
Note 1: Police treatment of encampments on campus this week has been typical of police treatment of the homeless every day of every week. So is police/security posture toward violent conflict among same. Note 2: Police today are /immensely/ more civilized than they were in, say, 1968.
Replace baffled with incensed and that's me. Plum sweatshirt guy should have been cuffed by now
Thanks. This caught my eye: "None of the videos analyzed by The Times show any clear instance of encampment protesters initiating confrontations with counterprotesters beyond defending the barricades." It was like Charlottesville. The police just stepped back and let 'em rumble.
Fwiw, those of us on Team All Cops Are Bad are not baffled by this. Took me a long time to join the team, but eventually the evidence was too much to deny.
Gee I wonder where else they could look for clues
All cops are bad because no cops stop bad cops.
I'm on team "with notably rare exceptions, all cops are bad."
Sad to say, but it’s not even the first time something of this sort has happened here.
Anybody remember when the LAPD pulled the same stuff at an anti-protest at the Wi Spa in K-town — standing back while right-wing thugs beat counterprotestors and journalists, then unleashing violence against the people the mob targeted? Because I do.
Activists Showed Up to Defend a Spa From Transphobia. They Were Met With Riot Numerous reports show police using violent tactics against trans activists.