Natee (they/them)

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Natee (they/them)

Natee Himmapaan (Puttapipat). Illustrator. Art, literature, history, natural history, world cultures, food. Depression, anxiety, & all that jazz. Non-binary (they/them). 🏳️‍🌈
Good morning from Tate Britain!
I would like it noted, please, that I'm appropriately wearing a shirt made with Liberty fabric to this exhibition (my sole Liberty garment, which I was only able to afford because it was on sale 😆).
If you see this, post a bird. 🎨 The play, 'La pie voleuse' by Théodore Baudouin d'Aubigny & Louis-Charles Caigniez provided the basis for the now better known Rossini opera, 'La gazza ladra' -- 'The Thieving Magpie.' Ink on either Arches hot pressed or Strathmore Bristol, 2015.
If you see this - post a bird 🎨 • Corvus&Crater •
If you see this, you have to post a picture from your device without explaining it.
if you see this you have to post a photo from your device without explaining it
The babies came to me again. (Mallard ducklings.)
#PudgyHorse dons a pair of wings. 'Pegapudge', if you will. Brown pencil on plain notebook paper, 122 × 132 mm, 2019. This original artwork is available at auction this week, ending Friday 5th July. Link below and in profile. 🙏
Spotted dove (_Spilopelia chinensis suratensis_). Photograph by Charles J. Sharp, Wikimedia Commons.
Beautiful model of _Asteriornis maastrichtensis_, the 'Wonderchicken'. From the exhibition, Birds: Beautiful and Bizarre, Natural History Museum, London.
Albatross chicks are just fictional creations, really. From the exhibition, Birds: Beautiful and Bizarre, Natural History Museum, London.
Got myself a copy of's A Little Gay Natural History. :}
Increasingly persuaded by the shrike's line of thought. If we're friends prior to BSk and you've seen me going feral elsewhere recently, you already understand. Anyway: please support David and Blue Aster and buy these snazzy buttons!
The winners of our recent bird button poll are now available in the shop! The people have spoken and the barn owl, crow, shrike, and woodcock are were the winners. 🎨🐡🪶
Dappleglum Brown pencil on Fabriano Medioevalis, 132 × 85 mm. 2019. There are only sad unicorns in #Himmapaanland. #Junicorn
'Well shone, Moon! Truly, the moon shines with a good grace.' This Solstice's full moon is a gift for trotting out this quotation from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. The last time that occurred has been variously reported as 1986 or 1967. Pity I couldn't do better with the photograph.
'Never so weary, never so in woe' Illustration by Arthur Rackham of Hermia from Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Ink & watercolour, 1908. A favourite piece by a favourite illustrator for a favourite line from a favourite play. Just *Sigh* Happy Midsummer.
Flying Pig Ink and gouache on Stillman & Birn tan toned paper, 100 mm diameter, 2019.
'Then devils came from all directions and assembled under the oak.' Illustration for the tale, 'Right and Wrong' for 'Myths and Legends of Russia,' edited by Aleksandr Afanas’ev & translated by Norbert Guterman; published by The Folio Society, 2009. Ink on Arches HP, 170 × 240 mm.
Oh, I forgot you can't see blocked posts. Here.
The turd literally has 'Transphobia' in its profile. Please help report it if you can. Remove the parasite before it takes root.
Brontësaurus. Ink & gouache on Strathmore grey toned paper, 151 x 147mm, 2014. Because this seems to be doing the rounds again elsewhere. Perhaps the only piece of mine to have gone mildly viral, shunted uncredited like an orphan from workhouse to workhouse across the Internet over the years. 🤓
Madonna of the Snoot. Inspired by Jeannette Ng's photograph of her dog wrapped in a towel. From 2020
I met this extremely sweet kitty on an evening walk almost two weeks ago. She was very rotund and so affectionate that she purred throughout our encounter, rolled back and forth as I petted her, and even climbed onto my lap as I squatted, little caring that it was scarcely level. 1/2
When I slowly half-straightened up to encourage her to get down, she didn't budge. I'd hoped she'd leap off, but she just slid down and went plop on the ground. 😂 She was obviously very well cushioned by her fur and roundness, she didn't even bat an eyelid and never stopped purring. 2/2
Okay, one more. She r o l l . She was also very grubby indeed, which left no doubt as to her being an outdoor cat. 🥲 (Please keep cats inside. 🙏 I wouldn't have met her if she had been, but.)
'She threw her comb -- and there grew up a deep and terrifying forest.' Illustration for Baba Yaga, from Myths & Legends of Russia, collected by Aleksandr Afanas’ev & translated by Norbert Guterman, published by Folio Society, 2009 (now out of print). Ink & gouache on Arches hp, 170 × 245 mm.
Illustration for 'Two Ivans, Soldier's Sons' from Myths and Legends of Russia, collected by Alexander Afanas’ev and translated by Norbert Guterman, published by The Folio Society, 2009 (now out of print). Ink and gouache on Arches hot pressed, 170 × 245 mm.
So of course I chose to drink some in hopes of... goodness knows what. 🙃 That it might _unglitch_? 🙃 (Mug by Keith Hershberger: