
You know what, Biden should go on TV and say "if the Court is going to be reviewing so many administrative regulations, it's going to need to be a whole lot larger. Going to need *puts finger in the air* idk, 5 or 6 justices"
Great idea just don’t think Biden should be going near may tv camera for a bit…sigh…not the best messenger as of late
I think the opposite. He should be going on TV a lot, ideally to announce big new policies
Especially when there's plenty of televised evidence that Trump is a rambling kook who had an above-average debate against another old guy. The idea that Biden couldn't come back from last night is just doomerism.
I don’t even think trump had an average debate, the word salad of lies coming out of his mouth was nuts. Anyone would struggle to “debate” that kinda nut case, yet I feel anyone would have mopped the floor with him. Instead the focus is on the ever present, faulty or not, issue of Biden’s age.
To be clear, I mean "above average" squarely in comparison with Trump's own decline as of late. The actual substance of his responses, at best, had the nuance and acuity of a children's board book, which is only not worth covering for the media because there's no novelty in Trump's behavior.