
You know what, Biden should go on TV and say "if the Court is going to be reviewing so many administrative regulations, it's going to need to be a whole lot larger. Going to need *puts finger in the air* idk, 5 or 6 justices"
Great idea just don’t think Biden should be going near may tv camera for a bit…sigh…not the best messenger as of late
I think the opposite. He should be going on TV a lot, ideally to announce big new policies
Considering SCOTUS just said that they are the only ones who get to interpret nuance of regulation, he needs to appoint a bunch of new justices to help with the workload.
"I am honored to submit to the senate all of my current agency regulators to be federal judges in the newly founded circuit for administrative law"
Plus, here are 22 new SCOTUS justices to help with all of the really thorny issues that the administrative circuit can't resolve.
I mean, you’d need this circuit, right? The case load alone…
I agree. I actually think last night was so much worse because he hasn't been on TV much.
I agree with your agreeance.
Someone on here described the debate prep as, "people will be thrown aback when they see that Trump has been weekend-at-Bernie'ing this whole time!" She got it right but flipped the candidates. So now Biden needs to be out there every day looking like Superman to change the perception.
And if he literally cannot do that, because this really is what he's like every day now, then well, I guess we should see that too and decide how to vote accordingly.
i'm way more concerned about the not having been on tv much than the last night.
I know we were supposed to be back to a normal president who didn't dominate every news cycle with something crazy. but I feel I just saw Obama way more on tv and whatnot.
This right here. The way to counter the idea that he can't function is to let anyone who cares to look see with their own eyes that he can.
but maybe wait for him to get over his head cold
And he’s honestly entirely capable of a decent public appearances. I’d argue they’re more common than the kind he had last night, in fact.
Especially when there's plenty of televised evidence that Trump is a rambling kook who had an above-average debate against another old guy. The idea that Biden couldn't come back from last night is just doomerism.
I don’t even think trump had an average debate, the word salad of lies coming out of his mouth was nuts. Anyone would struggle to “debate” that kinda nut case, yet I feel anyone would have mopped the floor with him. Instead the focus is on the ever present, faulty or not, issue of Biden’s age.
To be clear, I mean "above average" squarely in comparison with Trump's own decline as of late. The actual substance of his responses, at best, had the nuance and acuity of a children's board book, which is only not worth covering for the media because there's no novelty in Trump's behavior.
I agree, but unsure whether he can make that message have import or resonate. I am just stuck with the notion that any policy idea is not going to get people excited or temper the “concerns” about his age. Everything that came out of Trumps mouth was horrifying, yet the focus is on Biden.