
It is bleakly hilarious how much of Westminster has convinced itself that Rishi Sunak’s platform of soft scepticism towards net zero, £12bn of cuts to welfare, bringing back national service, etc. is closer to the “centre” than Johnson’s “no cuts, more police, 40 hospitals” shtick.
Of course the titanic mind of Lord Frost got in first
An outbreak of brain worms in a restaurant somewhere around Tufton Street is the only explanation
More seriously it does remind me of some of the reaction on the hard left over defeat. It’s always a conspiracy, there was always a group of media/business/their-own-side working against them, they shouldn’t water down their ideals next time, etc etc It’s so much easier than self reflection.
But if they’re losing it this much 3 weeks *before* an election… I do wonder quite how mad it’s going to get. This is something we don’t normally see is it? Does anyone have any comparisons from history?