
It is bleakly hilarious how much of Westminster has convinced itself that Rishi Sunak’s platform of soft scepticism towards net zero, £12bn of cuts to welfare, bringing back national service, etc. is closer to the “centre” than Johnson’s “no cuts, more police, 40 hospitals” shtick.
Of course the titanic mind of Lord Frost got in first
I'd go for utterly moronic but "bleakly hilarious" works too.
Do we really need to describe an article authored by an utter moron as utterly moronic?
Almost as if it’s coded
I think some of it is unwitting. It’s one of the most repeated pol science findings that people perceive ethnic minorities as more leftwing than they are, and it’s also why his supporters’ club talk of him as as a “moderate”, too.
The sheen of professionalism (now mostly gone thanks to one Sunak, R) had a great deal to do with it imho.
(And there are some incredible assumptions and dangers in that. Competent must always = politically moderate is a centrist conceit which, well, could store up quite a lot of danger if, well, the extremes ever managed competence)
Lord F really is the gift that keeps on giving. A truly extraordinary depth of talent.
The relationship between him being in change of the EU negotiations and them being a complete disaster now feels entirely consistent.
And it depends on how you define competence. When I worked on French politics I remember a journalist in the south of France telling me that the Front National was very good at prettifying tired civic spaces when they got elected at local level, and were very popular for it.
I mean, he didn’t make the trains run on time, but say what you like about Mussolini, people said he made the trains run on time
Goes back to at least Karl Lueger or Napoleon III I guess
To give the argument probably more credit than it deserves, I wonder if some of it is because he's not a nationalist. On an issue by issue basis, he's about as right-wing as Braverman, but her rhetoric is much more stridently Britain Must Triumph whereas he's more Winning the Global Race.
Some of it is confusing "being centrist" with "trying to get centrists to vote for us"
Yeah. Obviously most words can mean more than one thing, but I think “centrist” is particularly bad because a lot of people using it don’t realise they are flitting between about four of them.
hello, National Service and tax cuts for pensioners? He pretty much told centrists to go fuck themselves.
Religious zealotry generally is quite confusing. And it has reached the levels of coding between the "true believers" now
And, whatever he may believe, he's not very good at the whole populism thing and manages to sound very insincere when he attempts it.
I think it’s a symptom of having a very small circle & the echo chamber effect.
am I wrong to think of the electorate like a normal distribution with fatter tails in the UK ? winning from the centre is in fact, exactly how to do it. Johnson was unpopular, but was perceived not to be as extreme as the very unpopular Corbyn etc. still, let's not stop Frost's continuing muppetry.
But the vibes, Stephen, the vibes
Is it just laying the ground for the post election ‘this means we must move to the right’ columns? Pre-building your own fantasy narrative?
With Frost, yes, I think it’s that cynical. But with, e.g. Matt Chorley writing of him as a moderate, less so.
I think the Chorley mistake comes from having lived through 2016-2022. Sunak has proven a poor performer, but Oct 2022 to now has felt more "ordinary" than the extraordinary 6 years preceding it. Easy to mistake the end of the circus with a return to the centre.
so basically Frost has looked at the history of british politics and decided winning from the centre is a failure under FPTP, what a mega brain !!
I think it reads as cynical, but in practice a lot zealots do believe that the revolution can never fail, it can only be failed. So cynical in impact but genuinely meant nevertheless.
I also suspect that there’s a certain kind of brain that can marginalise veracity to such a massive degree that it becomes irrelevant to them, if it serves their wider purpose. It’s not even cognitive dissonance exactly, cause they’re almost removing the contradictory aspect.
(Which, in a way, is a fancy way of saying ‘they’re lying in order to get what they want.’)
Ugh, grim. It’s just a million miles out of touch with *anything*.
I don't think many of them believe a word of it to be honest. They're trying to win the defeat.
I have great respect for you for having the patience to even listen to what the Tories are saying.
An outbreak of brain worms in a restaurant somewhere around Tufton Street is the only explanation
More seriously it does remind me of some of the reaction on the hard left over defeat. It’s always a conspiracy, there was always a group of media/business/their-own-side working against them, they shouldn’t water down their ideals next time, etc etc It’s so much easier than self reflection.
But if they’re losing it this much 3 weeks *before* an election… I do wonder quite how mad it’s going to get. This is something we don’t normally see is it? Does anyone have any comparisons from history?
Right but this is Lord Frost tho.
Frosty the snowman found himself in the sun