Hugh 🥐🦢

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Hugh 🥐🦢

Questionable Systems & Dream Buddies Pod
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
From a friend. I didn’t make it
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Therefore, we want to use our reach and call on all those who are entitled to vote to make their voice heard. We must not leave the EU to the far-right parties and must defend our democracies. Please vote.
They added gifs just in time for voting day
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
realized after sniffing my own farts that one reason we're seeing chat bots instead of something useful is the training for the former is easier/cheaper. Training a narrow purpose model like below would require purpose built training: millions of photos of dirty/clean dishes in various poses/light
An AI enabled dishwasher should not talk to me. It should have a camera into its bay and detect there's still some bits on that plate so blast it directly. It should also have commandable jets. Thanks for reading
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
i don’t think too often these days about a certain incident but it’s still pretty wild that a magazine owner could fire his staff for organizing, get one of his few remaining goons to write an obviously bogus defense of him, express no remorse for any of it, & still kind of have a place on the left
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
decades-long manhunt finally ends
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
They care when TikTok does it, but they didn’t give a damn when Uber was doing the same thing around the world to get people to help it roll back taxi regulations — and getting the help of US ambassadors along the way.
your kid was turned into a commie by a push notification
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
David Attenborough [whispering]: “As the predators close in on their helpless prey, we can only watch in silent horror, for it is not man’s role to interfere in the hierarchy of nature.”
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
"Now take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you've got a stew going."
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
For reference, below is a live-posted thread on South Africa's oral argument. (I suggest opening the last post so that the thread doesn't break.)
That's all for today. Israel responds tomorrow. I am extremely impressed by, proud of, and grateful to South Africa. This was an incredible presentation and I am cautiously optimistic that justice will prevail (a very, very rare feeling for a public defender in America!) 67/67
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
city model from 'Metropolis' (1927) preserved at the Deutsche Kinemathek museum📽️
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
We live at a time when anyone can publish their thoughts anywhere. "Debate" is the cheapest and easiest form of discourse. It is *everywhere.* What we need are institutions that fortify debates with basic facts and, yes, close down debates where one side is plainly wrong.
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Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
meanwhile, on X (the social media website formerly known as Twitter)
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
At the time of writing, our staff are witnessing people being shot at as they attempt to flee the Al-Shifa hospital. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals, for an immediate ceasefire and for the protection of medical facilities, medical staff and patients.
Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
this continues another trend in arguments on this topic: analyzing the slogan by presenting a distinctly different sentence with some overlapping words
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Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
Over and over we’ve been told self-driving cars would solve our transport problems only for them not to deliver. In 2023, Waymo and Cruise told us their services had finally cracked the code — but a new scandal in SF shows they deceived us once again. We need to stop falling for their fantasies.
Self-driving cars still aren't the A Cruise disaster deflates the robotaxi hype once again
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Hi! Welcome to Aftermath. We are a new worker-owned, reader-supported website about games, internet culture and beyond.
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Reposted byAvatar Hugh 🥐🦢
How dare you advocate for an armistice on armistice day