Malice Walker

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Malice Walker

Apparently I’m doing this now.
You’re not about that life
I’ve talked to so many people in the past 12 hours I never want to say my own name or hear another human voice ever again. Unfortunately there are still two more days of this conference.
I am! I think? Are Morrisville and Cary near there?
Also, gonna be honest and admit I thought JD Vance was gay this whole time.
My only comment on current events is that it’s hot as shit in NC.
Exactly. For those of us who are multiply marginalized, who pretty much always see things get worse for us first every single time something like this happens, why wouldn’t we be extra concerned about immediate fallout? Especially when no political parties seem to center our best interests / safety?
Finally unfollowed the person who’s been like, “historical precedent says this is no big deal so quit worrying” for the last 24 hrs. No doomerism but the Gen X / Boomer urge to shut up those of us who haven’t lived through an attempted presidential assassination before is patronizing even for them.
Weirdly is more comforting to recontextualize that post as being about Klay.
I still can’t believe that happened
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
Precisely. And the people acting like this is somehow gonna blow over and it’ll be no big deal re: the election / general historical outcomes based on shit that happened like 50 years ago make me want to scream
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
I just saw an otherwise rational person claim any retribution from the right won’t be directed at us, because “they know leftists and centrist democrats aren’t the same.” Brothers, sisters, siblings. The right thinks Nancy Pelosi is a communist. They think Biden is radical. They don’t know shit.
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
I remember this and it was a 1 day at most story in the MSM.
A reminder of how Trump responded when a supporter broke into Nancy Pelosi's home and brutally attacked her husband with a hammer:
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
Don't beclown yourselves.
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
I’m sure over the next few days the shooter will be any of us and all of us (a leftist, antifa, a trans person, any non-white person, even an atheist to spice things up). Let’s see who’s up first:
what also, which people?
I guess this is where being the party of norms can help. When Trump starts blaming this on Biden, normal people are gonna be like "no he didn't. that's not true" and that will ultimately make it a visceral choice between bloodthirsty fascism or the America that people have known all their lives
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
Reposted byAvatar Malice Walker
How does this affect the kind of people whose potential votes were fluctuating over Biden stumbling verbally, in spite of the stark environmental consequences of this election and the obvious culmination of the fascist conservative project? That’s what some people should be asking themselves.
ah yes that elected and famously popular president whose adherents were so staunch they already once stormed the capital and attempted to foment violence against his “opponents” and stage a coup
People keep trying to act like there’s some precedent for Trump when there’s absolutely not. Old norms and rules don’t apply and haven’t for like a decade. Catch the fuck up.
If this turns out to be what it looks like we’re never gonna have another democratic president, possibly not any president at all, ever again. Chances were already slim for Dems, but after this we might see Trump pulling Reagan-level voter turnout numbers. Grim times all around.
Thank you for this. Your check’s in the mail!