
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
It's not that the leaders are incidentally bad, the badness is what makes them good leaders for this movement, which again is to make as many people as fundamentally rotten as possible
Being a good citizen, being a good neighbor, being a helpful and attentive student, being a good community member, even what was once considered being a good Christian - all of these things are antithetical to the right wing movement
Possibly the most enraging thing about the Democratic party right now is that it seems to have no capacity to reckon with this reality - they look at Jaws halfway up on the back of the boat, ready to sink the whole thing, and fantasize that it's Mitt Romney and John McCain waving to them
If you somehow read this thread and took it as an endorsement of the Democratic party I don't know what to tell you
well, it seems to be positioning them as well meaning but incompetent rather than complicit
My only point about them was that they appear to be (either by haplessness or design, who knows) completely unfit to the task of opposing the right wing
Honestly the right wing is such a shitshow IDK how you even oppose it, the recent strategy in the UK was to just let them destroy themselves, but that did spawn another, meaner right wing that could be a threat in 4-5 years. This doesnt work in a two party system, also!
actually promising on and following through on policies that help people and not carrying on a genocide would be a great fucking start
maybe they should stop existing only in relation to the republican party then. remember "wowkillers" and how all of those never got anywhere? that's the democrat party (intentionally) your only real functional question is if you think the party can be salvaged from the freaks at the top, or not
That's probably because they are well meaning but incompetent rather than complicit.
the road to hell is paved with good intentions. and unfortunately i don't think all of them are that incompetent.
They still dream about "reaching across the aisle", when all the other side of the aisle wants to do is stab them in the back
I feel like the only mechanical difference has gone from the aforementioned backstabbing to outright face stabbing while making eye contact
Agree, honestly Dems in power can afford to do the performative reach across the aisle nonsense. High ranking dems won’t be hurt in their lives. They’ll still live comfortably.
The fundamental political error Biden made early in his administration was thinking he could drive a wedge between MAGA Republicans and … some other type of republicans that don’t exist
Biden still thinks that “bipartisanship” exists. 🙃
The other type of Republican:DINOS such as the entire Biden admin
Worse, he didn't seem to have a backup plan in casethat failed.
Imagine roles reversed after Jan 6. Republicans would have attempted to delegitimize the Democratic Party. They would have tried to expel members of Congress that supported the coup. Though they’d likely have failed in those goals, you can bet the coup leader would not be running for potus
There are plenty of non-maga Republicans. Only problem is they're all dead.
There are still some living non-maga Republican politicians. The problem is they’ve all been voted out because the R electorate is fully behind Trump. Treating is as a few bad pols rather than masses of bad voters is the issue. Hillary of course was right!
There are plenty of GOP cowards willing to whisper anonymously to the press that Trump is scary but unwilling to make a stand for their country Who is putting pressure on them to do the right thing?
That's something that must change. If we defeat Trump (and I think we will, caveat about my sanity depending on optimism), then they'll have to go all-out for a new Voters' Rights Act and abolish the electoral college and/or offer statehood to DC and PR. The GOP has to be forced to moderate or die.
We said that four years ago
We have been saying that for longer than 4 years. It requires us to have a majority of states with democratic senators. But people don't turn up to vote in off years so...
Libs always say this garbage then once in office they just do for the rich donors. It’s a scam.
I was told this shit would happen if I voted for Biden four years ago. I was told he'd be "FDR 2.0".
Without a majority in congress and the senate he'll never be able to get everything through, especially with this republican dominated SCOTUS
The SCOTUS just handed the president unlimited powers lmao.
No, they decided that only SCOTUS can decide when the president isn't immune to prosecution, and they won't hesitate to strip Biden of immunity while protecting Trump
Let me ask you a serious question: Why is it Republicans can always get whatever they want passed, even without a majority in Congress, but Democrats always need a majority? And then when Democrats HAVE a majority, they end up never following through on their promises anyway?
But the thing is, if Dems acknowledge the GOP's leaders are deliberately bad, if Dems don't pretend the GOP has gone wayward but is mostly good people it makes working with the left an absolute necessity. And Dems did not get into politics to work with the left. Quite the opposite.
Yeah. Joe Biden watched the entire Republican party become raving lunatics because a black man won the presidency, and he's just kinda sad because his good friends are being weird now.
They have been raging lunatics FAR longer than that!!!! See: Southern strategy, see: Redemption movement. Jefferson wrote "All men are created equal" on a plantation while owning 600 slaves. One was in the room while he wrote! It's always been like this, one fascist group of white supremacists.
It doesn't help that they would be a minority if Democrats didn't try. It only takes a couple - Manchin, Sinema - to paralyze the rest of the party.
Democrats are too busy worshiping the corpse of bipartisanship.
the right has no hesitation in demonizing everyone in the left, literally Dems response to waffle, to cater to their gripes, "no no see were not that evil, we listen to you" is met with "some people need to be killed" and the answer? oh, well, its just rhetoric, heritage, they don't mean it really
I’m a pretty solid Democratic voter, but this is a true statement.
When they do just come out and say something resembling the truth e.g. Hillary’s deplorable comment. The Right is aghast and “how dare they” and the mainstream libs seem to also be aghast and feel like that is going too far. It’s maddening.
Quit arguing about who's going to steer the boat and get that oxygen canister down its throat--quickly!
"oh this is just electioneering, once the election is over we will be back to having cookouts together and politely disagreeing on the senate floor." Those days are long gone damn it OPEN YOUR EYES YOU WASTE OF TAX DOLLARS
...Romney is not and John McCain was not good
It’s a good thing there are lots of other viable political parties to choose from then