What Would John Brown Do?

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What Would John Brown Do?


Legal nihilist. Set fire to the preacher who is promising you hell. Free Palestine. Free Everyone. (He/they)
if you are in Milwaukee and you are gay and on grindr you have the opportunity to change this country forever
i know grindr has to be going CRAZY in Milwaukee right now
Bartenders, Uber drivers, servers, and strippers in Milwaukee have confirmed one consistent, clear fact for me — RNC visitors don't tip
When Bob Dole was the nominee everyone had a tight five about how he was the oldest a man has ever been and he was younger than both nominees are now
It's really an enlightening moment. I've known for a long time what we could expect. I understand the history. But seeing, without any need of prodding from explicit strong men, the liberal pundit class and their simps turn on us en masse shows just how deep in the path to fascism we actually are.
every day is prime day if you claim somebody stole your package off your stoop
NEW: Columbus, Ohio, police detailed to the RNC in Milwaukee have shot a Black man in his early 20s a few blocks outside of the security perimeter. Details TK. (via Columbus Dispatch, CBS 58 Milwaukee)
The donation to ActBlue was on the day of Biden's inauguration. A hypothesis I've heard is that he made it because he lost a bet, and that seems to fit better than a rapid conversion.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
Telling myself “you aren’t allowed to be anxious” and seeing if that helps
Mostly agree except on reflection I feel like the three-day combo of the shooting, the Cannon decision, and the Vance pick was a powerful reminder of how miserable and exhausting it was to live with one goddamn thing after another when this guy had the spotlight for four straight years
I think Trump getting shot and being photographed with a defiant fist in the air, bloodied and unbowed, will actually lead to zero changed votes. He might be the only person in the universe that would be true of.
In 2016 Trump was an almost lifelong Democrat and Clinton associate who constantly contradicted himself on every position so many Republicans didn’t trust him During his presidency he confirmed that he would rule as a racist, RW Evangelical-pandering, regulation-attacking fascist, and now they do
JD Vance said Trump would be America's Hitler back in 2016. He's obviously changed his mind. I wonder what did it? Was it the storming of the US Capitol to try to stay in power? Was it the detention camps at which children were separated from their parents? Was it his criticism of "globalists?"
it's times like these i remember that the rise of fascism in this country was blamed on marginalized people not being nice enough when asking for basic human dignity
What are people doing w/neighbors & friends to create & nurture networks of collective care & mutual aid? What small but significant (or super size me and spectacular, and everything in between) actions & practices are people talking about, preparing for, or taking?
The fact that J. D. Vance and Biden's first chief of staff worked together at a venture capital fund is a perfect detail for our times. The fact that the fund was called Revolution is a bit much, tho. www.axios.com/local/washin...
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
It's been nearly ten years now that you have to think about this dude every day, and he fucking sucks. Just watching the same episode of Mama's Family on every channel for a decade. It is normal to want that to end.
How has no one reposted the *best* excerpt from Hillbilly Elegy yet?
all else aside, I think "hey you work at a place that's constantly trying to get me killed" is something where, at a minimum, you say "shit, sorry, going to keep doing it though." instead of acting like it's a completely outrageous criticism.
Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
Do not obey in advance.
So when is Tim Scott calling off his sham engagement.
It’s really great that the heir apparent to Trump is a fascist who was willed into celebrity by the liberal establishment.
Historically bizarre messaging to be telling people that fascism is at the gates and this is the most historic election of all time. Also we're going to put forth a semi conscious candidate and stop campaigning so the temperature can turn down and we wish Hitler 2 a speedy recovery
funniest thing about her being a judge is that she was confirmed thanks to democrat votes getting her over the line
If you ever find yourself suffering from Imposter Syndrome, remember that Aileen Cannon is a federal District Court Judge with life tenure, received after being nominated by the former President of the United States and confirmed by the United States Senate
Once upon a time I said that - based on my years reporting on the courts - judges were corrupt and arbitrary, "the rule of law" a facade for the powerful to hurt the rest. I was loudly told, by the progressives there, that I was wrong. That "despite its flaws" there was more to it. There ain't.