Larry Hamilton

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Larry Hamilton

Survey research on public views of science & environment; climate change; human/environment interactions; society in the Arctic; walking with my dogs in the woods.
Double sunset on the Great Bay
Clear nights have been very rare this season, or moony when they do occur. But we finally had a decent one last week; I was out in the woods until 2 with the owls and coyotes. 🔭
A few months ago Sky broke her leg while running through the woods. Surgery was needed to put her back together. Happily she's now walking again, with a mild limp that hopefully will fade. The surgery, x-rays etc. cost over $10,000. Without pet insurance, either we or poor Sky would have been sunk.
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and this is why you couldn't pay me to go on one of those floating petri dishes full of bad shirts and people who don't wash their hands
My parents have been on three cruises since the pandemic, and my mum has come back with Covid from every single one
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I'm glad SCOTUS rejected this, but it seems to be on a technicality and there is nothing to stop the GOP from trying something else. And I worry that if they get control of the gov't in November they can simply make all abortifacients illegal. So so much is on the ballot this year. So many rights.
This will be held up as "SCOTUS isn't political," which overlooks how the case was outrageous and absurd in the first place. Kacsmaryk and the 5th Circuit brazenly violated basic principles of standing taught to every 1L. It shouldn't have made it this far.
Flowers and brief rainbow across Hardangerfjord in Norway.
Mural in the airport at Keflavik.
When you're lost in the rain in Juarez, When it's Easter time too And your gravity fails And negativity won't pull you through
A solid contender has to be: I have climbed highest mountains I have run through the fields Only to be with you Only to be with you
Traditional-style Norwegian fishing boats enjoying their new nicely rennovated recreational stage of life.
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Growing thundercloud⚡ Thank you all for your warm welcome to BlueSky😍 Please share for more weather pics. #postie #weather #thunder #weather 📷
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While the sky wants to keep the stars hidden behind the clouds, im going back to bring a few of them at once.. Following the Milky Way we can't get lost.. ✨📸 #astrophotography #nightscape #landscapes #photography #sky
Awaiting the verdict with great interest from somewhere Arctic, where it's 11pm and still sunny.
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Hi, I’m a climate scientist. My greatest hits include, “No it’s not a natural cycle,” “We’re the ones who told you it’s been warmer before” and “Even if it’s on YouTube it doesn’t mean it’s true.” I also cover the Christiana Figueres classic, “We’re only as doomed as we believe ourselves to be.”
New word for me: Instagramable, meaning a locale having photo charisma for tourists. Like a beached old ship out in the. Westfjords of Iceland.
Facebook has found a key to high engagement: interest groups infested by trolls. Flat earthers, for instance, swarm on many NASA, space telescope and similar themed groups. Bluesy seems blessedly empty of flerfs for now. 🔭
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Cool how reactionary billionaires in concert with MAGAs have managed to kneecap a lot of the organizations studying disinformation at the exact moment Google starts using AI to tell people to eat rocks
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People who were repeatedly vaccinated for COVID-19 — initially receiving shots aimed at the original variant, followed by boosters and updated vaccines targeting variants — generated antibodies capable of neutralizing a wide range of SARS-CoV-2 variants and even some distantly related coronaviruses.
Repeat COVID-19 vaccinations elicit antibodies that neutralize variants, other viruses | Washington University School of Medicine in St. Response to updated vaccine is shaped by earlier vaccines yet generates broadly neutralizing antibodies
For anyone not yet burned out on Northern Lights, here's a 30-second time-lapse from the woods around our place in New Hampshire. Clouds rolled in, but the Big Dipper still looks down on it all.
Northern Lights/New Hampshire May 10 Time lapse of Northern Lights above dark pine tree forest, New Hampshire May 10 2024.
Photography question: From last night's aurora I have about 10gb of still photos in RAW (actually ARW) format that I'd like to process into video. What software/process works well for this? 🔭
Besides the purples and pinks, we had greens in New Hampshire last night. Hazy clouds so it was not crystal clear, but there's 17gb of data on my camera. I haven't processed it yet but here's a simple stack. 🔭
New Hampshire tonight. Thought we might see lights to the north, but instead they crossed the whole sky.
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PSA: If you live anywhere near this blob and it’s not cloudy, tonight is a good night to go outside and look up
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Sophie has been attending graduate classes and occasional faculty meetings for most of her 15 years (photo by Brenda Worden).
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Yeah, if you look at the Facebook replies to any NASA-adjacent post you can see that Flat Earth is part of a larger pseudo-Christian mythology that ties in with ancient aliens, nephilim, third- or fourth-hand borrowings from theosophy, satanic cabals, and - the core of QAnon - blood libel.
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watching Biden blow this election in favor of supporting Israel's crimes against humanity is some of the most frustrated and angry I've ever felt because, still, after all this, Trump is a uniquely terrible threat to this country and to the world and to return him to power for *this*?
Passover's never over. It's hardening hearts all the way down
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A considerable number of university administrators cannot abide the students or the faculty. They do like the endowment however. A university, unfortunately for them, is not actually a *hedge fund*.
Reposted byAvatar Larry Hamilton
I'm just not looking forward to six months of punditry blaming these protests for Biden's poll numbers when all the data and common sense tells us the inverse is true. These kids aren't failing Biden; he's failing them.