
I know this is a boring point to make but it fucking kills me that one side is saying "we'll bring back 12 hour days, child labor, and Jim Crow" and the other side is saying "you can continue to grill on Sundays with your neighbors, who might look different to you" and it's a 50/50 split
This is your enemy. His pinned post is unhinged racist trash, but he is serious about the agenda
the thing I think we all have internalized now is that conservatives cannot be reasoned with. they cannot be brought around to your side or made to understand why x policy is better in the long run. they are evil, want people to suffer, and can only be defeated
If by conservatives you mean regular people taken in by Trump, I disagree. Things suck right now for a lot of people as a result of extreme wealth inequality and climate collapse. The right is offering a bullshit solution (scapegoating). Centrist Dems are offering no solution.
Definitely validating my spiritual and actual Bostonian belief that Uncurated Humans are not worth talking to, but I would have preferred to be wrong.
Discovered today that one of my children simply will not interact with children they do not know, in case they turn out to be awful. The more I examine this policy the fewer flaws I can find in it.
The Victorian middle/upper class didn't have the right idea about much, but the "only accept new acquaintances with a letter of recommendation" policy is sound, albeit classist in implementation at the time.
This is the principle I live by when playing video games online.
Also an important real-life principle.
This is what reliance on oppression does to people. They’d rather it be bad for everyone, as long as it’s worse for people they see as not human.
It's wild how they will say things like "We're going the undo the 20th century" and not realize how silly they're sounding.
absolutely, I'm always like "it's a horrific indictment of this dipshit country that this election is THIS close ><" i mean wt actual f