Kevin Riggle

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Kevin Riggle

Principal @ I keep people safe on the internet (trying). Looking at the world with an “anarchist squint” 🏳️‍🌈 @ [email protected]
Riffing, fascism is primarily an aesthetic and cultural movement and not a political ideology, grounded in the mythopoeia of power and supremacy. So the aesthetics of power in Reservoir Dogs and Fight Club are perfectly in line w/ fascist culture despite the conflicting texts (not even subtext) 1/2
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Please help these very tall long skinny cats.
I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
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I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
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If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
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Happy Independence Day! This day seven years ago there was a minor controversy as Trump fans angrily denounced large portions of the Declaration of Independence because they thought it was anti-Trump propaganda. It was! We should have taken their response as a sign of how bad things were!
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
If I'm going to survive a global pandemic and a recession and we are running headfirst into fucking fascism then goddamn it, I want a DECADE of decadence and hedonism first
It’s literally within the margin of error. We have to show up and do the work
you must understand that every fucking poll doom article right now is completely pulled out of the ass of some dorky Tesla owning intern sitting at a desk with a bowtie and a constipated look about him. none of this cloud of bees is real.
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If you're in NYC and you would like to join others to talk together about what it could look like for us to organize proactively to transform and expand public libraries, feel free to email [email protected]. The meeting is on July 27 in the afternoon.
If you want to to take direct action at one of the levers of power
If you're in NYC and you would like to join others to talk together about what it could look like for us to organize proactively to transform and expand public libraries, feel free to email [email protected]. The meeting is on July 27 in the afternoon.
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What we have here is a people's war against political journalist group texts
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today is the 161st anniversary of pickett’s charge, when 12,000 confederates marched across 3/4 of a mile of open land, directly into constant rifle and artillery fire. half the confederates were killed, wounded, or captured in the slaughter, a turning point in the battle of gettysburg and the war
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
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It’s going about as well as you would expect given that none of these people has organized so much as a fucking bake sale
Basically the Twitter Class is attempting a party coup
I still like Nate Silver and I’m still “STFU nerd”
“If Tom Nichols and Nate Silver AND the Pod Save America boys all believe something strongly enough, can they generate enough media panic to override a Democratic primary and force out a sitting president”
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
Arizona Indivisibles collected 31,939 signatures (145% of their goal of 22,000) to stop a GOP abortion ban and restore reproductive freedom in their state. Please show some love to our Arizona volunteers for a very successful year of determined work in every county from Apache to Yuma! 👏
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Biden needs to prove he has the leadership necessary to continue the presidency and campaign. He must do this by organizing one of the most unorganizable groups in politics: a broad swathe of democratic party organs in a state of absolute panic. Which... early signs are he's actually succeeding.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
After telling someone to throw out yet another useless book of advice for neurodivergent people clearly written by someone who isn’t neurodivergent I have one tip re developing a habit w ADHD: make it really easy to implement. Kids dropping wrappers on floor? Put out more trash cans in those areas
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Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
"I want people across the company to go, yeah. I know how to respond to this incident. It's just like all the other incidents that exist in my world. The difference is, security is in charge of this one." -Melanie Ensign on #cybersecurity #incidentresponse #incidentresponse
Bug Bounty, Incident Management - Melanie Ensign - They Called Her Christmas Day - w/ Kevin Riggle - The reporter called her Christmas morning! This time on the Critical Point War Stories podcast, Kevin Riggle interviews Melanie Ensign (Discernible Inc.), f...
One of the engineers working on Uber’s #bugbounty program told Melanie Ensign that the communication skills that they had learned working with her improved their communication in their marriage. #cybersecurity #incidentresponse #CriticalPointWarStories
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
Gotta remember that in 2020 "no one" wanted Biden either. Not the press, not the left, not any "cool". Barely anyone wanted him at all, except for all the millions that voted him into making Trump a 1 term president.
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Hand out burned copies of the Wu Tang album
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
I was going to specify this as applying ex post facto, knock everyone out and start the fuck over and that would be fine but on reflection I realized it's not really necessary. restraint is a good quality to test for in a public servant.
executive order making it illegal to campaign for federal office more than 60 days before the election; anyone who does so is immediately disqualified and their name removed from ballots, with mounting fines for each additional instance.
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Showing people pictures of young JK Rowling and saying this is my trans girlfriend, so I can watch them do the normal "eh she's pretty but I can tell she's a man"
"Because of how Uber's PM ran our #bugbounty program, the moment the reporter reached out, I was able to respond effectively." Melanie Ensign on the value of collaboration in #securitycomms #cybersecurity #incidentresponse #CriticalPointWarStories program, the moment the reporter reached out, I was able to respond effectively." Melanie Ensign on the value of collaboration in #securitycomms #cybersecurity #incidentresponse #CriticalPointWarStories
Bug Bounty, Incident Management - Melanie Ensign - They Called Her Christmas Day - w/ Kevin Riggle - The reporter called her Christmas morning! This time on the Critical Point War Stories podcast, Kevin Riggle interviews Melanie Ensign (Discernible Inc.), f...
"Members of the #cybersecurity community who otherwise did not have a favorable perception of Uber were publicly coming to our defense." Melanie Ensign on an unexpected twist in a holiday #bugbounty dispute. #incidentmanagement #CriticalPointWarStories community who otherwise did not have a favorable perception of Uber were publicly coming to our defense." Melanie Ensign on an unexpected twist in a holiday #bugbounty dispute. #incidentmanagement #CriticalPointWarStories
Bug Bounty, Incident Management - Melanie Ensign - They Called Her Christmas Day - w/ Kevin Riggle - The reporter called her Christmas morning! This time on the Critical Point War Stories podcast, Kevin Riggle interviews Melanie Ensign (Discernible Inc.), f...
How do you handle a public #bugbounty dispute on Christmas Day? Melanie Ensign shares how preparation made all the difference. #cybersecurity #incidentmanagement #CriticalPointWarStories dispute on Christmas Day? Melanie Ensign shares how preparation made all the difference. #cybersecurity #incidentmanagement #CriticalPointWarStories
Bug Bounty, Incident Management - Melanie Ensign - They Called Her Christmas Day - w/ Kevin Riggle - The reporter called her Christmas morning! This time on the Critical Point War Stories podcast, Kevin Riggle interviews Melanie Ensign (Discernible Inc.), f...
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Riggle
You know how belligerent white boomers demand the manager and bullies their way into getting some unreasonable thing? That's what it is. People give into entitled loud white people rather than stop them at step one. Yes, the racist uncle at Thanksgiving, except everywhere, with more stakes.
I once worked with an activist who was a great coder who described the essence of Trumpism as a DDOS attack on American politics and governance. I think about that a lot.