
It's not that the Times just now suddenly decided to take a nosedive, its coverage of trans youth, of the confected "plagiarism scandal" at Harvard, and of the protests at Columbia have all been deeply embarrassing
at quite a lot of the trash moments in our history over the past many many decades, the New York Times was there, pushing the trash
Omfg, Judy Miller on Iraq whole ignoring the largest anti war protests in the history of the country at the same time... Hating Gore and normalizing Bush v Gore, HRC emailz and normalizing white supremacy for Trump! It's not just "not new," it's ducking been like this for generations!
They have been lukewarm on climate while running fossil fuel ads on the same page as climate disasters. Profiteering from extinction.
For me it’s when it dug into the past of an 18 year old murdered by police and decided he was no angel.
i totally forgot the COVID lab leak shit they did a month ago until today too, just speedrunning that shit into the ground
How is anyone surprised, though? Rich assholes are gonna rich asshole ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THE TIME. NYT has never not been beholden to the titans of capitalist industry that made them (LOL LOL LOL) “the paper of record” and they are never going to bite the hands that feed.
The only thing that’s changed is the titans are now MANY standard deviations worse because of 20+ years of elected Democrats’ pandering to protect their investment portfolios and pensions while people die.
The plagiarism scandal now seems like a dress rehearsal for their current full court press against Biden. The NYT wants another "scalp." It's very exciting for them.
Yeah, before they had shit spins on news stories, but the relentless attack on Claudine Gay was when I realized they aren’t primarily a news organization. They have a sinister agenda.
Exactly! They always made missteps (Judy Miller/ WMDs) but the saturation coverage of these stories seems like they're trying to make news more than just report on it.
"antisemitism on campus", "plagiarism in academia", "Biden is old" - New York Times is a leech, it grabs, and only lets go when it bleeds the target dry.
I remember seeing headlines from the 30s saying shit like “Prison calmed Hitler down”
yeah that one was like, a style piece where the reporter sat down with hitler for an afternoon lmao
Morphing calmed Hitler down
argon fuck you know what I meant
This is not the novel I expected but okay.
Anamorphic vs Hitler sure would be a story
i was thinkin like... power rangers
Take that observation all the way back to the wmd bullshit. The nyt has pretty much always been trash.
They’ve been on a long shitty roll
see also: the ‘NYC crime wave’ coverage that basically elevated Adams to the mayorship, which quickly became ‘here are some people who are afraid of crime because they read our reporting on crime.’
It goes back a very long way.
Don't forget they were staunch supporters of the war in iraq, and opposed the abolition of slavery. This didn't start 2 years ago, or 20 years ago, or 50 years ago. They've been like this for 170 years. They will never be good.
for years now i’ve seen their decline. it’s just more noticed by more people now.