
Today’s newsletter: some thoughts on Rishi Sunak’s election campaign, and the decisions, in the last six weeks, but also the last two years that made it so:
Why has Rishi Sunak’s campaign been such a disaster? The PM’s blunders worsened his chances amid a backdrop of crumbling public services and party fundraising struggles
Hard to run on your record when this is your record. Hard to say your opponent has no plan when you don't either.
Indeed. It’s essentially a campaign with no self-awareness, run by people who would vote for the Tory candidate even had they murdered their own family.
the only people left in the conservative party are either very old or very odd, and there weren't many old people on the campaign
Yeah - if I still had to do the hospital pass of 'write a column for people who will pick up the magazine on Thursday all the way through Tuesday' I would have basically done 'the biggest threat the Tory party faces is workplace ageism' for this reason.
Every day I get a cogent, clearly expressed email from Conservatives. Unfortunately these emails are from FT readers in their 50s and 60s who are still working, and could and should be getting selected and seconded ala Gillian Keegan, while the official Tory material I get is mental.
This is such, such a bad problem in quite a lot of British institutions now I think about it. (Particularly vile when combined with any other form of bigotry. Notoriously awful for competent women in their sixties, for instance).
the Conservative Party would be unbelievably stronger if the lobbying industry had been harshly regulated for the last two decades - rather than hanging round knifing each other, the cream of Tory youth would have gone into banking and coming back as experienced and rich fortysomethings.
Honestly I think every political party would benefit from having less MPs whose main work experience is In Politics. They can become like large language models trained on text from other AIs.
I agree (though equally the lobbying stats aren't *as* bad as they look, in that, e.g. a lot of them count 'trade union official' or 'press officer in a charity' and this is one reason why Dan is right to say the Tory party in particularly is badly hit by it)
In terms of breadth of experience, what, e.g. Dan Carden (former Unite aide to McCluskey) did and what Melanie Ward (Scottish labour candidate this time, works for Medical Aid for Palestinians) are I think actually providing them with different experiences in a way the stuff mid-30s Cons do isn't.
“Go into banking” just gets them more Sunaks
And for that matter I think they read differently to selectorates - and if we had open list PR or STV, electorates.
The House of Commons was named as such, for a reason, and having politicians with no real world experience is generally a bad thing, Mhairi Black being a notable exception.
Strange example. I like Mhairi Black, but she became an MP at age 20. She has never had another profession besides "politician".
IMO, politics is a vocation like ministry. But people go for rabbinical training or ordination throughout their lives: the problem in politics isn’t some people who find their vocation late, it is how resistant it is to mid and late career switchers.
This is precisely the right analogy (and exactly the problem)
Starmer. Could he have done the switcheroo he did if he had been in politics longer, and carried more baggage?
Yes, good point. It's also a little like trying to go full-time as an artist -- it's not easy to switch career to "sculptor" or "musician" but I suspect the barriers are less than for "politician".
also to anyone who ever had anything to do with sciences or engineering
I think that's what Phyphor was saying. She's an exception to the rule that MPs without real world experience tend to be subpar.
Indeed. Thanks for jumping in.
It's pretty telling (and deeply depressing) that she has quit.
I appreciate it's not realistic but I think we would generally be a lot better off if our politicians had to live under the worse conditions they impose (housing, benefits, etc) for at least six months before taking power. Wouldn't always work (thinking of IDS and that show he did), but would help.
I'm getting really, really unrealistic here but I think this combined with them not being able to talk about it would make a huge difference. Means they just have to try and understand it rather than showboating about their own suffering.
(Have you ever read the delightful Sue Townsend novel "The Queen and I"? It does the "what if the royals had to live on a sink estate" thing but with a huge amount of humour and sympathy)
The key aspect of it being that Townsend had, herself, lived in some pretty gruelling poverty at times, been a benefits claimant and really really did not want other people to suffer the same, regardless of who they were.
part of running for office should mean living in public housing, being paid national median income and sending your kids to state schools
The whole point of conservatism is you reject that kind of universalism though. You want better conditions for you and your “side”, and shit conditions for the rest.
well i don't think conservative values are worthwhile and instead we should be designing infrastructure around political power to make it unattractive to people whose motto is igmfy
Looking at’s brilliant summary, I am not filled with hope about the new House of Commons.
When they’ve been trained in glib and vacuous argumentation at Winchester and Oxbridge, they do less damage going into advertising or something.
I agree but then we need to accept politicians having outside earnings [with some conflict of interest safeguards] cos if we insist on every NHS consultant or small business owner or architect exiting their career due being elected for an uncertain possibly short time, we'll get no one of value.
The barrier to people getting elected is at selection stage, though.