
Nerd fights over “lore” are stupid because the two camps have polarized into “anyone who cares about the fundamentals of character relationships and the basic lore of the setting is an autistic nerd” and “anything that contradicts the 1967 Aquaman Yom Kippur Special is a war crime.”
Great, now I’m bummed out that the 1967 Aquaman Yom Kippur Special isn’t something I can read right now.
The only good Aquaman Yom Kippur specials are the 1973 one where Tusky the Walrus mediates a peace deal between Israel and Egypt on the behest of Henry Kissinger and the 1978 one where Aquaman reflects upon his failures during the Death of a Prince saga during the day of atonement.
I bet you could ask chat gee pee tee about it
I hope this isn't accidentally offensive, but shouldn't Aquaman celebrate Yom Kipper? Like the fish? I'll see myself out...
I dunno, I was once able to pull out a lorebook to win an argument about Final Fantasy XIV and I felt like a god
And then there’s me, who is in both camps simultaneously
to be fair, the first camp is technically right about me I guess
I'm still getting used to calling it "lore"… back in the days backstory and/or background were just enough. Lore seems to imply an importance that to me feels excessive. Sorry, yelling at clouds once again. But, since I was a kid I learned that retcons and reboots were part of the system so
sometimes seeing people get so angry about its importance or the honesty forced dismissiveness of claiming it's just kids stuff instead of something that's fun to talk about and compare just weirds me out